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Old 08-16-2007, 05:03 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by chpanther69
well they said i have two options for right now, i can settle everything and give him probation and get around 10,000 dollars. or i can send him to jail for 2-3 years for grand theft auto. im thinking i will send him to jail
If you send him to jail will you get anything out of it other than satisfaction? How long do you think he'll actually spend behind bars? Probably not very long. I'd think long and hard about making sure you get the cash for your car. If you can do that and force him to do a little time I'd say you'll be better off.

What you have to ask yourself is did he really steal it, meaning not intending to return it to you, or did he wreck the car on the test drive and then just take off? If it's the latter he might plead that he was just scared and didn't know what to do and that he didn't really steal the car. If that happens then he may very well get the probation and you get no money.

Good luck.
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