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Old 08-09-2007, 08:50 PM   #4
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: mandeville, la
Posts: 474
If that is what you really want to do, here will prob not be the place. This is not really the mustang loving crowd.

I think your best bet would be to find a carmax (or any other used car) dealership with a box that you like, trade your ford in for the porsche.. Porsche dealerships will prob. not give you what you want on trade because, like this site, their clientele is different. Carmax sells all types of cars to all types of people, so they will see more of a value in it. Use the ford trade as tax credit towards the box and be done with it.

Or just sell it and buy the porsche. Your mods are worthless on trade, so maybe you can find a buyer who likes yellow mustangs with black wheels and tint. Either way.. goodluck
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