jeff, welcome to the board and we hope you enjoy your boxster as much as the rest of us do!
It's 82 degrees with blue skies here in Houston today, so I will not make this post too long, the car is beckoning me to drive.
The tires and bra can easily be sold on ebay for some extra cash... that gives you a much wider audience for the stuff you need to sell.
BTW- get that car to an independent mechanic who works on Porsches and ask them to be as stinking critical as they can, finding every tiny thing wrong with it. Then head to the dealership with a list in hand. ANY noises he hears in the engine or tranny or steering, etc. should be examined by a dealer and they should prove to you that all is perfectly fine... then if something goes wrong you can tell them they missed it and it should be covered as a good-wll gesture for someone just out of warranty.
Now you are sure to want to know about DIY mods, and I think you should read the archives here because they are quite helpful. You should learn about "desnorkeling" and changing out your air filter or at least ripping off the foam to get more sound out of your engine, which is a common complaint.
There's lots of other stuff too, but you'll read all about that!
Enjoy your car and keep the shiney side up and the dirty side DOWN!