I am not so sure that the newest is always the better option taking resale into account...and this is coming from a person that usually subscribes to the newer = better theory.
There is no better example of this theory illustrated when you take the 993 vs the 996 models into consideration...the early 996s seem to be taking a beating where as the 993s appear to be holding or increasing in value.
..to that end I am not so sure that the 987 styling will hold up as well as the 986 as it begins to get long in the tooth over the next several years(biased for sure here as well).
There is something about the 986 design that I think will have staying power. Unfortunately for many it(its design) is now becoming a victim of its own resale value. To borrow a thought from elsewhere on this site,...as the value plummets so does the feeling of exclusivity.
This feeling of exclusivity diminishing does not affect me as I still feel the 986 base and S models(if your wallet allows) are the best value on the street right now.
I also tend to identify with the glass being half full and see any of the 986s as a newer vehicle rather than the other way around...
To me the 04s look like a newer/current model car and the 97s look much the same especially to the untrained eye.
I have had two people in recent months profess to be Porsche fans and then ask if I paid more than 75k for my car...too funny!
There's my .09 cents thrown into the discussion.