Originally Posted by JCL12
1) Is sending the box through an auto-car wash a poor idea?
Most forum members would tell you not to do this. I ignored them and used a nice touchless wash 1 blk from my house for 1.5 yrs. Worked great in the winter and those times I was lazy in the summer.
Back in Mar my Box started making a nasty groaning noise over bumps or turning. Took it in and it was diagnosed as a faulty bushing in the lower control arm - not covered by CPO warranty. I ********************ed to the dealer and to the forum members about low quality components. When I got the car back and looked at the service report, it said "
Found lower control arm had a torn boot on ball joint letting water get in and rust causing groaning noise". Torn boot, hmmm I wonder if it got that way going through the car wash? I think I'm guilty of a self inflicted wound.
Long story, but you get the point. If you have to use a car wash, make sure there is enough clearance for your Box. Otherwise use the DIY one.