Labor on a this is a whole shop day for someone who knows what they're doing. I have an Aasco flywheel, which was about $900. I thought of doing the LSD, but from what I understand that requires tearing into the transaxle and I'm still not sure which LSB I'd get, so thats a project for later down the road, likely when/if I do a 3.6 swap. I only did the light flywheel since I was going to have to replace the flywheel anyway, and since the factory dual mass was $650, I ponied up for the lightweight at the time.
As to the flywheel, the car is definitely easier to stall now, as any car with a lightweight flywheel is going to be. Its fine with me as I've driven enough track cars with race clutches/ super light flywheels, but, lets just say I wouldn't consider this a car to teach your girlfriend to drive stick in
And yes, when you de-clutch at a stop, esp with the AC on, the revs drop very low until the DME catches it.
We went with the Sachs Sport pressure plate/ friction material. It is from what I'm told, actually longer lasting than factory, and def has a bit more bite than stock. Yes, you are correct though, true race/ sport clutches are not designed for longevity but that does not apply to the Sachs unit.
I will say I am extremely happy with the upgrade.