This is a long story since I have been Boxstering for 8 years.
My 1997 had the original mushroom shift, like most of the 1997-1999 2.5 liters.
Years ago I bought the new style 5 speed shift with the painted silver part from a local Boxster guy named Russell for $45. He imported parts from Germany.
Another local 1998 Boxster guy named Dave bought the silver shift from Germany. Dave's lease was up and I ended up with parts from his car just before he turned in the leased car to our local dealer.
A 1997 local Boxster owner named Calvin ended up with Dave's silver shift. I ended up with Dave's mushroom shift, and other parts from his car. Calvin's car is now owned by Dedes. My original mushroom shift went into Dave's car.
I scratched the silver paint on Russell's shift a few years later. A local 996 owner named Paul traded in his 996 coupe for a 2002 996 cab. He had the same shift I had from Russell except he had a 6 speed patern. So I put Russell's silver shift that had been in my car in Paul's car. Then I swapped the shift pattern, so that I ended up with a 5 speed.
Whoever bought Paul's 996 6 speed got Russel's shift that had been in my car for a while. At least that is the way I think it went. I still have Dave's original mushroom shift in a box.
Confusing. But us local owners swap parts all the time.
Last edited by Tool Pants; 06-04-2007 at 02:05 PM.