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Jeph 02-24-2006 07:45 AM

Pictures from RUF Auto Center One Year Anniversary
Eye candy was afoot last night my friends. I wish you all could have been there! Let me spare you the written details and let the pictures do the talking...

It's a Boxster Forum, let's start with the Boxster...

I suspect this is a 3400S.

Here's another angle, not as cool as the one above.

This is one of RUF's latest creations, the RT12, I think.

Another beast nick-named, the Red Baron. This one is slick.

These two car gave me the blues! (Wow, that was bad.)

The cars on display were great, but so were the ones in the parking lot. Let us give credit where credit is due...

Here's my car trying to make friends with others. They got along ok I suppose.

I call this next one "High Mileage." I just thought it looked cool -despite the age.

Then things started gettng hazy...

"So beautiful... Should... have sent... a poet."

Obviously, this car excited me. Especially when the owner decided to fire it up. It sounds like an Formula 1 car. UNREAL I say! I managed to get a video clip (but since it's so dark, it's more like an audio clip). I'll post a link to that soon, as it is getting verified by Google Video right now.

Due to the crappy weather we've been having, a lot of the cars in the parking lot were dirty -unlike the cars on display. Nevertheless, they were still fun to look at. There were the Ford GTs as shown above, a F430 Spider, an Aston Martin Vanquish, and every Porsche from 1980+ (no 959). Greatness I say.

A memorable evening indeed. All I want is to get my oil changed RUF Auto Centre. That way I can brag how I get my car serviced by RUF!

70Sixter 02-24-2006 09:20 AM

Wow. No wonder your camera got hazed up! Thanks.

BadBoyS 02-24-2006 12:19 PM

Nice PIC's I love the ReD 3400s parked in the no parking fire lane!!!!


Porschekid 02-24-2006 01:31 PM

insert :cargasm: here.

Porschekid 02-24-2006 01:33 PM

BTW: That shot of the GT is amazing... i'm stealing it for my sig on another site. :dance: Don't worry, i'll host the picture elsewhere.

Jeph 02-24-2006 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by Porschekid
BTW: That shot of the GT is amazing... i'm stealing it for my sig on another site. Don't worry, i'll host the picture elsewhere.

I'm glad you like that picture. I'm suprised that some of the pix even turned out decent. My camera is kinda old. (But it does great at night without the flash.)

Let me know if you want the original file (uncropped, unscaled). Or if you'd like a resized one that would be more fitting of a signature, let me know. Send me a PM with your email address.

Porschekid 02-25-2006 06:29 AM


Originally Posted by Jeph
I'm glad you like that picture. I'm suprised that some of the pix even turned out decent. My camera is kinda old. (But it does great at night without the flash.)

Let me know if you want the original file (uncropped, unscaled). Or if you'd like a resized one that would be more fitting of a signature, let me know. Send me a PM with your email address.

Nah, as it is it's perfect, thanks man. Definately a few really nice pics... were you using a tripod or playing with the shutter speed at all?

Jeph 02-25-2006 08:03 AM


Originally Posted by Porschekid
...were you using a tripod or playing with the shutter speed at all?

The (outdoor) pictures that look good were taken from setting the camera on the ground (nature's tripod). I don'thave a lot of control over the shutter, so the best I can do is put it in night mode and that holds it open longer. I love taking pictures at night!

Here's the video mentioned from before...

Van996 02-26-2006 03:18 PM

great pics

SD987 02-26-2006 10:28 PM

I know little about RUF as an entity other than that they performance-tune Porsches, but the website "history" and "key personnel" implies that the Dallas location is a franchise of sorts, opened by longtime residents and Porsche enthusiasts.

My question is, and no offense to the fine folks of the Lone Star state, why open a location in Dallas instead of California? Or, why not open another location in CA (or anywhere else)? I would imagine CA is the Porsche capitol by a large margin in the states, and the logistics of having the work done in Texas is just daunting enough to discourage a good deal of potential clients interested in a RUF type conversion.

Jeph any insight into this situation?

Jeph 02-27-2006 07:54 AM


Originally Posted by SD987
My question is, and no offense to the fine folks of the Lone Star state, why open a location in Dallas instead of California? Or, why not open another location in CA (or anywhere else)? I would imagine CA is the Porsche capitol by a large margin in the states, and the logistics of having the work done in Texas is just daunting enough to discourage a good deal of potential clients interested in a RUF type conversion.

Jeph any insight into this situation?

No offence taken. I don't know the real answer, but maybe these might be worth while theories.

1) Their customers are scattered about the US. Dallas is relatively central.
2) Cali is more expesive, I'd be willing to guess, to set up and run a shop.
3) I don't know if it matters for aftermarket stuff, but emissions are rough out there I understand. One less obstacle when hard tuning a car.
4) Personal Roots in Dallas

If you can afford a RUF conversion, I'd be willing to bet that the mere $2k or whatever in shipping wouldn't seem to "daunting." At the event they listed the states in which customers were from. I wish I could remember them now... The only one I do remember is Iowa (because I was like "they have Porsches in Iowa?" -I can say that, I was born in Iowa.).

I will search for the real answer in my travels SD987.

bmussatti 02-27-2006 08:04 AM

I agree with Jeph's logic. Especially being centrally located, the cost of doing business and roots to the area.

FYI- Iowa has 2 Porsche dealers...one in Des Moines and the other in Davenport.

Jeph 03-02-2006 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by Porschekid
BTW: That shot of the GT is amazing... i'm stealing it for my sig on another site. Don't worry, i'll host the picture elsewhere.

Hey Porschekid, you can steal that one if I can use this one for my sig...


bigislandboxster 03-02-2006 08:00 PM

1 more than Hawaii! :D

Porschekid 03-03-2006 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by Jeph
Hey Porschekid, you can steal that one if I can use this one for my sig...


Hahaha, nice.

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