Forum: Boxster General Discussions
08-24-2018, 04:56 PM
Replies: 24
Views: 2,873
Forum: Boxster General Discussions
02-15-2018, 12:55 PM
Replies: 17
Views: 1,595
Forum: Boxster General Discussions
02-08-2018, 12:53 PM
Replies: 12
Views: 1,580
I lucked into a great deal on a Raby equipped...
I lucked into a great deal on a Raby equipped car. Absolutely no complaints or problems with a lot of peace of mind. They are expensive though, I think it matters what peace of mind is worth to you.
Forum: Boxster General Discussions
01-16-2018, 01:06 PM
Replies: 22
Views: 4,012
Forum: Boxster General Discussions
10-18-2017, 05:12 PM
Replies: 44
Views: 6,421
Placed a bid on convinced...
Placed a bid on convinced someone would outbid me. To my surprise I bought a 2000 S (with a jake raby stocker in it). My wife took the news rather well, she will most likely be...
Forum: Boxster General Discussions
09-17-2017, 03:42 PM
Replies: 6,727
Views: 1,428,101