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koya1893 02-25-2007 01:12 PM

Calling on all stereo expert. Does anyone have a clear and simple instruction with photos to do a AUX plug mod to accept iPOD or any other portable unit.


90red 02-25-2007 01:47 PM

Which stereo does you car have?

blue2000s 02-25-2007 01:58 PM

If it's the CDR-220, the instructions come with the kit from Becker. It's very simple. $25 if I recall. You have to call Becker USA to order it.

koya1893 02-25-2007 05:21 PM

Sorry about that. It is the CDR 220 model. Thanks for the quick reply I will call in the A.M.


Chills 02-26-2007 03:29 AM

No need to call. Just click this link. The cable is super easy to install.


You'll need the stereo keys from Becker to pull the unit out.

blue2000s 02-26-2007 06:11 AM


Originally Posted by Chills
No need to call. Just click this link. The cable is super easy to install.


You'll need the stereo keys from Becker to pull the unit out.

The keys also come in the kit if you buy it from Becker.

koya1893 02-26-2007 07:29 AM

Gentlemen, thank you for all the inputs. I just put an order through Becker since I don't have the tools to remove the unit it self set me back 16.40 + the shipping.


BigGame 03-01-2007 11:19 AM

If I would like to control the iPod with my Becker 220 wich cabel to buy?

Chills 03-01-2007 11:22 AM

You can't control the iPod with the stereo with any cable. The cable allows you to listen to your iPod through the stereo without having to resort to the horrible FM transmitters.

BigGame 03-01-2007 11:29 AM

There has to be a cable to handle the iPod instead of the CD changer?
Any suggestions wich stereo to swap to if there is not such a cable?
I do like the navigation, so it would be cool with a navigating stereo
that has conection to the iPod like in newer cars.

blue2000s 03-01-2007 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by BigGame
There has to be a cable to handle the iPod instead of the CD changer?
Any suggestions wich stereo to swap to if there is not such a cable?
I do like the navigation, so it would be cool with a navigating stereo
that has conection to the iPod like in newer cars.

iPod controlling head units do exist, but the CDR220 won't do it.

Crutchfield might have something


BigGame 03-01-2007 10:02 PM

I think I found the item Im looking for...
Becker Cascade 7944, both iPod and the navigation.
Becker has som other models as well that might be ok


NickCats 03-02-2007 07:31 AM

That Becker Cascade 7944 is a sweet set up :

- Bluetooth for the cell phone
- Voice command capability
- Navigation with traffic
- Ipod interface with display

I wonder how much ?


TriGem2k 03-02-2007 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by NickCats
That Becker Cascade 7944 is a sweet set up :

- Bluetooth for the cell phone
- Voice command capability
- Navigation with traffic
- Ipod interface with display

I wonder how much ?


That is a SWEET unit if your looking to stay with the stock look.

I wonder if it would just be a plug and play with the wire harness that is already in our cars? Any thoughts?

I searched for a price, the only price I saw for it was 749euro.

BigGame 03-02-2007 09:05 AM

Im thinking 7941, the optimum car stereo...

AUDIOGUY 03-03-2007 04:54 AM

Ok, bought the ipod adaptor that Chills described and Radio keys on ebay new for $7.95 free shipping. Total cost $52.03. Not bad considering FM modulator is horrible. I will try to snap a few pix when I install if anyone is curious. I will post some results after I am finished.


seafeye 03-03-2007 05:23 PM

Did my IPOD enhancement for only $2. Went to big lots and bought a cable phono to RCA cable.
Cut the RCA cable ends off. Joined the copper ground wires together and was left with 3 wires. Red, Copper, White. Cut some wire connectors in half to fit the small connections on the back of the 220. Put them on the old RCA ends of the cable and pressed them on the back of the sterio. Voila works great. I connected them to the three far right connections on the sterio. Top white, middle (Below) ground and bottom is Red.
Press and hold your TP button to get serial number etc... go to aux and turn it to "ON".
Now when you want to listen to your ipod just press "S" source and go to AUX. Works great!

koya1893 03-04-2007 01:26 PM

hate to beat this post to death but I have another question on how to finish the iPOD Aux jack. Is there an adapter to plug into the usb port on the iPOD to mate with the RC jack (female end) that came with the adapter from Becker. Of am I limited to getting an adapter to plug into them and one end to plug into the earphone jack on the iPOD.


Chills 03-05-2007 05:43 AM

Ben, this might work:


koya1893 03-05-2007 06:29 AM

I saw that while I was looking throught the site after a link was posted. I was hoping the one from Becker was configured that way. Hopefully I can return the one I got from Becker and just order that one from the link. By the way. Has anyone tried the head unit with the GPS incorporated and flip up screen? I am thinking on replacing the head unit now with some kind of GPS capability.


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