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-   -   Porsche Headlight Retrofit [from CAD, prototyping to finish) (http://986forum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=48169)

dsallean 07-28-2017 09:26 AM


Please add me to the list for your next batch.

Thank you

Dave in TX

jpolmerski 08-02-2017 10:13 AM

I would also like to be added to the list please, thanks!

bustedknuckelgarage 08-10-2017 10:34 PM

Fred im Chompin at the bit....... any idea when you plan to make the new run. I personaly like the 1st gen ones nice and simple.

Nine8Six 08-11-2017 01:00 AM


Received guys. We are almost done with the kits, at least all of the parts are mfg except the adapters. Those are going to be made as soon as the shop re-open in two weeks. Can't wait; you guys are not going to see me again LOL. Well, at least for the next 2~3months anyway. I'll be busy each and every evenings and weekends at the shop until beg Dec. Cutting stuff... lots of stuff :D

I'll certainly update and take a many pics & vids of the stuff I'm working on from time to time :)

No point shop/working at the moment, its roughly 45 degree C in the shop on a good day here. Nobody works in fact, the park I rent offices at is nearly empty atm :/

Early Autumn!!! we'll have all kinds of candies promise!! Headlights, SkyBreakers, Center Caps, and who knows, maybe some super-duper-computer for Porsche cars :D

particlewave 08-16-2017 12:15 AM



Coaster 08-18-2017 06:26 PM

Hi Fred. Any lit replacement version in the works? Christmas is coming up soon ��

Nine8Six 08-20-2017 05:04 AM

Some catch-up to do! In the NEWS for 2018

Originally Posted by Coaster (Post 547343)
Hi Fred. Any lit replacement version in the works? Christmas is coming up soon ��

I am not ignoring you, was just checking with friends here about things I can and cannot say about those Litronic lollll Obviously can’t say much on this subject ‘yet anyway’ other than letting you know that someone/somewhere is already working on upgrading this tech by worlds. Something I’ve personally invested in (development-wise), but I am not going to be the main key player of those.

We are talking about the complete headlight + projector unit including a coated polycarbonate lens. Seen the prototype a month ago, which was in fact pretty damn mind-blowing, especially that epic spectrum gradient on the lens you often see on sport cars’ pictures. Sadly however, a whole lot has to be prep’ed for prod which is planned to begin only in mid-2018. So it looks like its going to be for next year’s Christmas instead lolllll

^ A direct competition to those Asian-made LED headlight kits everyone is familiar with. However, will come with self-leveling (for EU cars) and intelligent range finding/measuring. Other features of course but for all I can say right now, that’s what the upcoming/aftermarket ‘Litethronics’ for Porsche Cars will sounds like.

Involved parties are in California all of Sept 2017 talking to DOT and to register all of this WIP, among the few other GT parts/designs we have here. Not all that cheap but considering the love that needs to go into making sure our Porsche cars never goes blackout, they see it as priceless! I'll should be able to tell you more about all of this in Oct/Nov.


As for myself, I’m happy to say that I’m staying in the Porsche Bi-Xenon retrofit alley, here, with you folks!

In the work, for early 2018: a brand new model of GT Collection projector (I know, surprise!). One with professionally engineered and manufactured angel eyes and controller but believe me this wasn’t my decision lollll (thank fella/partner Andy). So we’ll have 4 (four) models in the retrofit kits in total. Christ it was already pretty difficult for folks to choose one model only, imagine with 4 :/ After all the whole GT Projector/Collection and 986forum collective work was born with ‘angel eyes’ so we’ve decided to have a continuity to the product line. So that’s all going to become one of another annoying “option” to choose from. Something to watch out in 1st quarter of 2018 though :/ Not for this Christmas!

Also in the making are Porsche specific HID/xenon ballasts with built-in controller. Using similar(same?) circuits found in modern automotive lighting ballasts with the only difference of including a MODBUS industrial controller to them. So those will effectively do the switching digitally while being driven/powered by your High & low beams senders. You’ll also be able to re-program those with different logic shall you need; a feature I’ve personally voted ‘useless’, but then who knows, we might need it in the future as the product line evolves. Comes in a single unit so this will certainly be advantageous installation and size/weight wise. That is something to watch out in the 2nd quarter of 2018.

So many other things that we are all working hard on here atm. All very little and meaningless to the board however, for now (I think). E.g. waterproof connectors (lolll), custom shaped PCBs and circuits for next gen of angel eye, etc etc etc.

Only good stuff, as usual folks. Exterminate the Halogen :cheers:

Terryg 08-20-2017 11:59 AM

Thanks for the update Fred

Nine8Six 08-20-2017 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by Terryg (Post 547472)
Thanks for the update Fred

Sure mate. Would have been a tad awkward releasing a whole lot of projectors in early autumn (still going ahead btw) and wishing you all Happy New year with the new 2018 GT toy line. Glad its out early...

986_Ron 08-25-2017 09:03 AM

Please add me to the list Fred, would love to upgrade my headlights!

Terryg 08-26-2017 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by Nine8Six (Post 547475)
Sure mate. Would have been a tad awkward releasing a whole lot of projectors in early autumn (still going ahead btw) and wishing you all Happy New year with the new 2018 GT toy line. Glad its out early...

It suits me, spent far too much on the car recently!!

Troy.Boxster 08-26-2017 02:56 PM

Angel Eyes Alternative
Now that I've had to disconnect my malfunctioning angel eyes, I no longer have front parking lights and won't pass the car registration inspection in Germany. I have thought about alternatives like using the fog lights, installing LED strips, or adding a bulb of some sort into the unused high-beam hole in the lights (my reflector is now painted black, so that may not be a good option any more). But I haven't settled on anything yet.
So, I'm curious - has anyone added back a parking light alternative to the angel eyes for these awesome headlights? I imagine an ideal solution would use the existing angel eye wiring and white connectors, but perhaps not.
Of course, it would be nice to have high-beams to flash when the projectors are off, so that might take up the existing holes in the lights. Perhaps there is a way to use a bulb (H7 LED projector?) for both flashing at a decent/full power level and as a parking light at a lower power.
Any other ideas out there? I appreciate any thoughts or solutions you all may have on this.

Nine8Six 08-26-2017 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by Troy.Boxster (Post 548064)
So, I'm curious - has anyone added back a parking light alternative to the angel eyes for these awesome headlights?

Yea me, no ae

Need those parking lights to pass annual inspection here too. Not the end of the world (yet!!), still looks good. Using those oem bulbs that were originally coming with the bosch headlights. Not sure of their P/N. Sure you could find the equivalent at the auto store near by. Plugs onto the same circuit your AE were on at the time.


clickman 08-27-2017 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by particlewave (Post 460215)

Hey Charles, your pics are no longer available. Can you repost them? Thanks

particlewave 08-27-2017 03:51 PM

Sorry, Norm. I don't have them anymore.
If you pull one of your bulbs, you'll see the difference. You just need to make it fit the bulb socket tube.

Coaster 08-27-2017 07:34 PM

Awesome Fred. Are they working on new seals too?

batshapedheart 09-01-2017 08:27 AM

Fred please put me in the list for the next batch

Troy.Boxster 09-15-2017 04:13 AM


Originally Posted by Nine8Six (Post 548068)
Yea me, no ae

Need those parking lights to pass annual inspection here too. Not the end of the world (yet!!), still looks good. Using those oem bulbs that were originally coming with the bosch headlights. Not sure of their P/N. Sure you could find the equivalent at the auto store near by. Plugs onto the same circuit your AE were on at the time.


Fred, your gorgeous projectors passed the German inspection process. I used your idea and connected a bulb to the AE circuit to act as parking lights. Since the wiring for the cutoff solenoid was going through the parking light hole, I used a H7 LED bulb in the high-beam hole. My reflectors are painted black, so it isn't too bright or distracting to oncoming traffic and the inspector didn't have any comments.

Mr Flat Six 09-25-2017 01:39 PM

Please add me to the list as well! I can't see a whole lot at night and work night shift. I hardly ever drive to work because the lights are so bad and would love to see better at night!

Jamesp 09-29-2017 05:04 PM

Hey Fred,

I have the first gen with the awesome, but dying angel eyes. What is the small cylinder between power and the LEDs? I have one side out, but if given power all LEDs rise to life for a bit, then flake out flashing and strobing as they die. I think it's the little black cylinder (I installed the solenoid so the LEDs don't run with the headlights). So, is the black cylinder a voltage divider? I could buzz it out with a multi-meter, but I thought I'd go to the horses mouth for an answer.

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