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Quadcammer 06-24-2019 04:12 PM

track vids
I think it would be cool if we had a place to upload our track videos for feedback, commentary, and just to see others pushing their 986s.

I will start. If anyone has any tips, feel free to post.


lmnsblu355 06-24-2019 04:41 PM

Here's my videos. Mostly PCA Races F Stock


maytag 06-24-2019 05:45 PM

Great idea!
Here's a lap at a PCA DE, @ UMC.


Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk

jaykay 06-24-2019 08:46 PM

A forum based receptacle would be ideal.....but unsure how feasible it is. I can't even upload a picture from an iPhone here without some gymnastics

maytag 06-25-2019 04:52 AM


Originally Posted by jaykay (Post 598190)
A forum based receptacle would be ideal.....but unsure how feasible it is. I can't even upload a picture from an iPhone here without some gymnastics

Dump that apple crap! Haha

Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk

steved0x 06-25-2019 06:46 AM


Originally Posted by Quadcammer (Post 598176)
I think it would be cool if we had a place to upload our track videos for feedback, commentary, and just to see others pushing their 986s.

I will start. If anyone has any tips, feel free to post.


Looks like you passed most of the group, that is always fun :cheers:

My final few times in White I was that way, and now in the black group I still pass a few, but not the majority like before :)

maytag 06-25-2019 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by steved0x (Post 598211)
Looks like you passed most of the group, that is always fun :cheers:

My final few times in White I was that way, and now in the black group I still pass a few, but not the majority like before :)

What's the white and black? In my region we do blue, green, yellow, red.

Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk

steved0x 06-25-2019 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by maytag (Post 598216)
What's the white and black? In my region we do blue, green, yellow, red.

Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk

In the PCA regions I run with:

Green - novice instructed
Blue - intermediate instructed and some beginner solo
White - intermediate solo
Black - advanced solo and instructors
Red - advanced solo and instructors, fastest group

Peachstate does numbers:
1 = green/blue
2 = white
3 = black
4 = red

Chin: (mapped to peachstate numbers to save typing)
Green = 1/2
Blue = 3
Red = 4 and up, very fast

swmic 06-25-2019 09:57 AM


Great driving. I was there with my black 986 driving in Blue. I went out with my instructor in White and saw this 986 that he couldn't catch in his 06 911S. Had to be you!!

Quadcammer 07-24-2019 04:14 AM

another vid from Watkins Glen. Ultimately the best lap I ran was a 2:17.5, which needs some improvement. Need to carry more speed through some of the turns


jsceash 07-24-2019 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by Quadcammer (Post 599839)
another vid from Watkins Glen. Ultimately the best lap I ran was a 2:17.5, which needs some improvement. Need to carry more speed through some of the turns


Would be nice if you had some lap data going in the video. I've run hundreds, maybe more than a thousand of laps there. Your line looks good, You may be hitting some of the curbs a little hard. My key points and speeds are top of S's at least 125. You should not lift from apex turn 2 to bus stop. Bus Stop enter at 85-90 exit 80. Carasel. to turn six 110 before down shift. +60 turn 9. +85 turn 10. 11 4th gear at footbridge 5th gear start-finish.

I only have a 5 speed. but a 3.6 motor. best lap 2:13.5 average 2:15, 2:16

jsceash 07-24-2019 06:30 AM


Quadcammer 07-24-2019 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by jsceash (Post 599843)
Would be nice if you had some lap data going in the video. I've run hundreds, maybe more than a thousand of laps there. Your line looks good, You may be hitting some of the curbs a little hard. My key points and speeds are top of S's at least 125. You should not lift from apex turn 2 to bus stop. Bus Stop enter at 85-90 exit 80. Carasel. to turn six 110 before down shift. +60 turn 9. +85 turn 10. 11 4th gear at footbridge 5th gear start-finish.

I only have a 5 speed. but a 3.6 motor. best lap 2:13.5 average 2:15, 2:16

yeah, i'm using harry's right now and I can't get the overlays to transfer for some reason.

I should be running 2:15s or so. need to carry more speed into turn 1. Bus stop curbing is an art it seems, some guys like all of it, some like none. I do not lift from apex of turn 1 to busstop. Max speed was like 127 or thereabouts. I enter bus stop at like 80, need to work on that a bit. I was at 89 on turn 10, I did not have to shift into 5th on the front straight.

Not an excuse for my slow time, but it was in the high 80s and the track felt pretty greasy.

I'm also finding with my 5 speed that it wants a 3.5 gear as 3rd is a bit short, and 4th is a bit tall in a few spots.

thanks for posting your vid.

steved0x 07-25-2019 05:02 AM


Originally Posted by Quadcammer (Post 599839)
another vid from Watkins Glen. Ultimately the best lap I ran was a 2:17.5, which needs some improvement. Need to carry more speed through some of the turns


Very nice, one day I am going to get up to Watkins Glen but it would be a 16 hour drive to get there. I was going to say, check out jsceash but he already posted, he seems to know a lot about that track and is quite fast there...


Originally Posted by jsceash (Post 599845)

steved0x 07-25-2019 05:15 AM

I just got back from Road Atlanta in my "new" 2009 base Cayman, and during this weekend I was able to learn some of the car, and build up some trust in it, and begin to push a little harder. I got to within a second of my best Boxster laps from last year (low 1:49 in boxster, 1:50.07 Cayman), and feel like next time out I should be a little faster. To compare on the same day a friend/fellow instructor with a 981 Cayman S PDK with mods, exhaust, tune, and Toyo RR could only get a 1:40. It was hot!

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/NxGCvwbGCio" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Here's a comparison of my fast Cayman lap and one of my 1:49 laps in the Boxster - the Cayman has more grip in the corners (wider tires, Ohlins Road & Track) but I'm not taking advantage if it... yet... only in a couple corners was I faster in the Cayman, I need to work on that...

https://viewsync.net/watch?v=NxGCvwbGCio&t=488&v=IjC6IXl8qbA&t=13&mode= solo

Since the data comes out faster through the OBDII port on the Cayman, I was able to read more data including coolant temp and air intake temp, and still get a good update rate on rpm and throttle. Even with thrashing the car, and only 2 radiators, the coolant never got above around 215F. I think the car might be pulling timing when it gets got to help with temperature? I have the 3rd radiator kit but haven't put it on yet. A surprise was that with an outside temp of 90'ish F during this session, the air intake temp was around 20 degrees higher. I would have thought that the fast air rushing in wouldn't get a chance to heat up that much. That is an area I would like to research more.

I also had an odd thing where on some sessions my Aim SOLO DL only got TPS data from the car instead of RPM, temps, etc. Maybe the wire is getting old but if it failed I would expect to get all or nothing, and not just a single data metric from the car. Weird...

I had a great student with a Camaro SS something (track package but no super charger) - we ended up running in 1 group up from the instructed novice since we weren't able to get any decent laps in the green group. The car was really fast, but he was really fast too, in the intermediate solo group we were in, we were hanging with Corvettes and the supercharged version of his car. I took him and his wife out for a demo ride in the green group and got to play with traffic a little bit which was fun:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/NjY3dr2opzQ" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

rastta 07-25-2019 10:10 AM

Here's one of my best session overall in January of this year. Thunderhill Raceway Park in Willows CA. Running consistent 2:06-2:08.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/9BN_YJOmlXA" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

AZ986S 07-25-2019 07:34 PM

Hey Steve!

Congrats on the new Cayman! No more IMS I suppose. Will you miss it?
Are you instructing with PCA or another organization?
I'll be looking to get certified this year with PCA and maybe NASA.
It's summer break here right now so I'm watching you guys on video:)

I have a friend with a 987 base Cayman and with a 100 0ctane race tune and IPD plenum (PITA to install), he was making close to 300 HP at the crank, so it did pretty well with the 2.9. Do you think you need to upgrade the engine oil baffle for track duty?

steved0x 07-26-2019 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by AZ986S (Post 599939)
Hey Steve!

Congrats on the new Cayman! No more IMS I suppose. Will you miss it?
Are you instructing with PCA or another organization?
I'll be looking to get certified this year with PCA and maybe NASA.
It's summer break here right now so I'm watching you guys on video:)

I have a friend with a 987 base Cayman and with a 100 0ctane race tune and IPD plenum (PITA to install), he was making close to 300 HP at the crank, so it did pretty well with the 2.9. Do you think you need to upgrade the engine oil baffle for track duty?

No IMS on the 2009 and yes I miss the boxster already, it was so familiar and comfortable :-) although it is still down in the garage on jack stands so maybe I will get to driving it soon before thinking about selling it. However this past weekend at Road Atlanta was really good with the Cayman, I am starting to bind with it. And then the headliner started falling down on the trip home :-) common on the Caymans...

I got my instructor training with PCA Carolinas region and as my final mentor I had my instructor that I had on my 2nd track day ever which was pretty awesome. It was also an MSF level 2 school. After that training I have instructed with PCA (Carolinas region, Florida Citrus region, and Florida Crown region), Chin, Just Track It, (and invited to instruct with JZilla and some others if the schedule ever works). I love it, it is a lot of fun for me and I hope for my students too :-) If you think you would like it, I say go for it. It is a great way to give back.

LN does make a deep sump for the 9A1 but it is $2000+ so I might pass, the benefit is for oil cooling. I've got a 3rd radiator kit going in soon and I'll keep an eye on it. No extra baffle needed, it has 4 scavenge pumps and an electronically controlled oil pump that really dials up the pressure during sporty driving so I'm hoping the oil side is covered :-)

Headers and then tune (I heard from the Cobb people at Weeks who don't advertise a 2.9 tune for that reason) is supposed to be the only place to get power on the 2.9 since it is already supposedly optimized at 91 HP per liter (265 HP) and the same intake as the 3.4 so it should be able to provide all the air it needs. 300 HP would be a beast!

It is noisier in tbe cabin than my boxster and I wonder if it is the numeric cables I added, I don't recall it being that noisy on tbe drive home on the stock cables...

However I think it is a keeper and I am planning my next mod, FD Motorsports exhaust mod, even though I swore my last exhaust work was it :-)

jaykay 07-28-2019 02:11 PM

Numeric cables will transmit more noise into the cabin in my experience.

It's the steel cable as opposed to nylon or what ever the stocks are made from. The steel transmits more noise. You can hear everything coming out of the transmission

Think of two coffee cans and a metal wire....did I just date myself?

jsceash 07-29-2019 07:13 AM


Originally Posted by jaykay (Post 600103)
Numeric cables will transmit more noise into the cabin in my experience.

It's the steel cable as opposed to nylon or what ever the stocks are made from. The steel transmits more noise. You can hear everything coming out of the transmission

Think of two coffee cans and a metal wire....did I just date myself?

Yes and probably half the group:D

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