Ya, that's a tough colour for sure.
But she's looking for cheap and easy...
You have to kind of fog on the last coat of base for this type of colour to let the metallic flow out when trying to blend a panel. Not for the faint hearted.
Probably best to mask off the roof cover and hood like you suggest, and hope the match paint is good and do the whole thing with BC and CC. That's a lighter tone, so I think a match wouldn't be too tough to achieve.
My son's A4 is brilliant black...and most think it's just black...nope. When I did the fenders and other parts last month, the blend was tough. Got it looking decent, a lot of wetsanding and polishing to make the repair disappear...it's damn shiny now.
I can see the blend line faintly, but I'm a picky SOB and know where it is. Most wouldn't notice.
Its hard work, but I find it rewarding to stand back and be able to say "I did that"...I like a challenge.
986 Chick...you can do this!