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DWBOX2000 12-08-2017 02:50 AM

Safe jack stands for boxster
When I jacked my car up last week, I just happened to go back and look at the 1st side I jacked up to find the stand had changed position to a point where it wasn't very safe. Any suggestions for good safe stands that won't break the bank. Thinking $150 or less.
Thanks. I like something that would fit the jack points.

Quadcammer 12-08-2017 04:05 AM

best jackstands I've ever used are ESCO.

https://www.northerntool.com/shop/tools/product_200358558_200358558?cm_mmc=Google-pla&utm_source=Google_PLA&utm_medium=Automotive%20 %3E%20Jacks%20%3E%20Jack%20Stands&utm_campaign=ESC O&utm_content=146640&gclid=CjwKCAiAjanRBRByEiwAKGy jZfgN6pxZSUhUNMUW3nAc5wOFrdilMbMMcfG_RMJv6PcqFn7RW gnGIhoCwO0QAvD_BwE

May be able to get them cheaper somewhere.

Anker 12-08-2017 04:50 AM


Originally Posted by Quadcammer (Post 557351)
best jackstands I've ever used are ESCO.

+1. I love my ESCOs. Never had any reason to worry about stability. With a good quality floor jack you are all set.

steved0x 12-08-2017 05:31 AM

Yeah I've got 4 ESCO stands as well. I use them and I put the jack near where I am working, and I also have a pair of 6 ton harbor freight stands that I put near where I will be under the car as well.

I have had the stands tilt when jacking up the car and one time I had the back stands tilt so much the car dropped back onto its wheels, this is with HF 3 ton stands, that was an educational experience (I think I was trying to go up to one of the higher settings in one lift), now I do it in stages. The ESCO stands have a very substantial base and resists tipping and I haven't had that issue since.

For something that fits the jackpoints, try https://safejacks.com/products/the-rennstand-by-safe-jack, although it falls above your budget :)

356Guy 12-08-2017 05:55 AM

The ESCOs have been very popular for a long time now. That said I'd never go under a car on jack stands without a secondary restraint like a floor jack under the structure.

cas951 12-08-2017 06:19 AM

I like the liftbar from liftbars.com. The bar is tailored specifically for the Boxster. The ends have slots where standard jack stands fits securely. It make lifting and adjusting height very easy. The best part is you can leave the jack on the liftbar as secondary device.

Scroll to the bottom of the page to see the bars in full view.

steved0x 12-08-2017 07:35 AM

I do really like the look of those liftbars...

thstone 12-08-2017 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by cas951 (Post 557366)
I like the liftbar from liftbars.com Liftbars

A bit pricy but a very clever solution.

alynch 12-08-2017 08:40 AM

Re: Liftbars

Originally Posted by steved0x (Post 557370)
I do really like the look of those liftbars...

+1 on the Liftbars. I bought mine about a year ago and haven't looked back. I used to dread the thought of jacking up the car one corner at a time to work on it. Now, it takes less than five minutes to have all four wheels in the air with the bars securely located in the factory lift points and the jack stands under the bars.

achillies 12-08-2017 08:44 AM

I like the liftbars but almost $300 w/shipping sems pretty steep. And they don't work withESCO stands.

cas951 12-08-2017 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by thstone (Post 557375)
A bit pricy but a very clever solution.

That’s what I though at first but after using them a few times and see how it made the work so much easier was well worth the cost. Specially when you have to raise the stands higher.

Just to put the Boxster in Jack Stands alone is quite a bit of work, if you have to raise the car really high you would think twice before doing it. With the liftbars It makes it so easy to raise the car as high as you need it to go as long as your jack stands are high enough to support it. If not this my next choice would be quickjack.

Pdwight 12-08-2017 10:50 AM

I am the very same way on this

Originally Posted by 356Guy (Post 557362)
The ESCOs have been very popular for a long time now. That said I'd never go under a car on jack stands without a secondary restraint like a floor jack under the structure.

Redundancy is life

JFP in PA 12-08-2017 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by achillies (Post 557377)
I like the liftbars but almost $300 w/shipping sems pretty steep. And they don't work withESCO stands.

They work with any jack stands, which by-the-by do not need to be anything special. Regular old 2-3 ton quality stands are just fine.

thstone 12-08-2017 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by 356Guy (Post 557362)
That said I'd never go under a car on jack stands without a secondary restraint like a floor jack under the structure.


Originally Posted by Pdwight (Post 557392)
Redundancy is life

Same for me. I've seen "Final Destination" far too many times. :D:D:D

rick3000 12-09-2017 05:24 AM

I use a set of Esco's, if I didn't sometimes work on other cars I would have bought liftbars. I normally slide the wheels under the rotors as a backup, and put some block under the center post of the jack stands.

Jager 12-09-2017 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by cas951 (Post 557366)
I like the liftbar from liftbars.com. The bar is tailored specifically for the Boxster. The ends have slots where standard jack stands fits securely. It make lifting and adjusting height very easy. The best part is you can leave the jack on the liftbar as secondary device.

Scroll to the bottom of the page to see the bars in full view.

I bought my liftbars years ago... Love them. They also fit my 911.

kirkandorules 12-10-2017 05:32 AM


Originally Posted by cas951 (Post 557366)
I like the liftbar from liftbars.com. The bar is tailored specifically for the Boxster. The ends have slots where standard jack stands fits securely. It make lifting and adjusting height very easy. The best part is you can leave the jack on the liftbar as secondary device.

Scroll to the bottom of the page to see the bars in full view.

That's really cool. I find the 986 to be pretty easy to lift as it is, wish they made one for my other cars!

stephen wilson 12-12-2017 07:12 AM

The only other problem with liftbars is I'd have to buy a jack that is low enough to fit under them, pushing the total price higher. So for now, I'll do it the hard way !

BTW, there are similar adjustable versions available to fit a range of vehicles.

cas951 12-12-2017 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by stephen wilson (Post 557673)
The only other problem with liftbars is I'd have to buy a jack that is low enough to fit under them, pushing the total price higher. So for now, I'll do it the hard way !

BTW, there are similar adjustable versions available to fit a range of vehicles.

Can you point me to the site?

If your car is too low for your jack simply drive over a piece of 2x4. One on each side will do.

stephen wilson 12-14-2017 10:03 AM

I don't remember off the top of my head, I'd have to play around with some Google search terms.

Here's some, though not very low profile. I thought about fabricating a set, but I just don't jack my car often enough for it to be worth the effort.

https://www.google.com/search?q=cross+beam+jack+adapter&rlz=1C1GGRV_enUS7 66US767&source=univ&tbm=shop&tbo=u&sa=X&ved=0ahUKE wj_9uORmorYAhUOUd8KHTWHAFcQsxgIKw&biw=1185&bih=115 7

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