05-14-2018, 08:52 AM
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so, took the rsr approach to refinishing the wheels - strip, media blast, tape and paint inside the spokes black satin, clear coat satin. here is the result:
my only concern is that they should have taped at the bottom of the spoke as per the reference images i provided; instead they taped part way up the spokes - should i have them redo?
05-14-2018, 11:47 AM
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Personally I believe that as a consumer, you should get what you paid for...especially if you provided pictures of what you wanted done. That being said (I hate that phrase), the results are not leaps and bounds beyond the expectation that you submitted to them. I suppose that the answer really lies with you...do you find the result unacceptable, or is is too minor to quibble over? If you feel that it wasn't completed to your liking, perhaps you can go back and say something like "this is good work, but not completely what I wanted" and see where that goes. I'd guess that they won't do it again for free, but perhaps they would deeply discount, especially if they think you might be a return customer. I always try to find a "win-win" whereas both parties come out ahead, even if there is some compromise.
05-14-2018, 11:58 AM
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for sure. i'm certain they would redo for free - it's a very good shop. my question is more regarding the look - i'm thinking it is fine as-is. i've since had a look at images of multiple fuchs done in rsr style and there is a lot of variation. but other opinions more than welcome.
05-14-2018, 12:03 PM
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With the radius at the bottom of the spoke, it may be very difficult to get the lines in the same place on both sides of every spoke. It looks like they may have used a scribe going off of the top surface of each spoke for a consistent result.
I don't think it looks bad, but they're your wheels.
05-14-2018, 12:30 PM
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With a high contrast colors like these, without a "hard edge" (like a grove or bead) the masked line will always be subjective. Personally I think they did a pretty good job creating a transition line, but like you, I think it would have looked more "natural" at the bottom giving the illusion of a seperate spoke rather than a painted raised area.
Then again, you could have one wheel painted one way and one the other and I don't know if anyone would ever notice (except you, of course). Still, you did pay for it, and I'll stand by my previous statement... you should get what you wanted.
05-14-2018, 01:13 PM
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I like that look, but tough call cause I like that reference photo where the light color goes down further. Would suck to have them redone and like the first way best! Good luck.
2000 Boxster S Ocean Blue Metalic
05-14-2018, 07:34 PM
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I’m a big fan of old school original Fuchs deepdish look with thick and proud stars in the middle, so I’d vote for rework. But newer Fuchsfulge wheels are finished similarly with thin-wall painting I guess for more clean, modern look. So your choice!
1997 Boxster arctic silver/ red, XNE riveted mahogany/ leather steering wheel & 917-style wood shift knob, Ben’s short shifter, PSE, 996 TB, UDP, stereo/ center console delete, hardtop and speedster humps, daily driver rain or shine or snow!
05-15-2018, 09:02 AM
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The actual Fuchswheel design is just like, what they did.
And if they got straight lines, even better. RSR design and Otto Fuchs design (THE original) are a little different. I vote: keep them as they are, the look very good! 
It is not a biggie anyway.
Original Owner | PORSCHE Boxster 2.7L (MY01) | Seal Gray
05-15-2018, 09:32 AM
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so, spoke with the wheel guy. it's as particlewave says - much easier to make a straight line if they offset from the top of the spoke than to try and follow the radius at the bottom. and, like cunningr says, i would hate to send them back only to decide i liked this version better. and, as most have said, it's splitting hairs really and this version looks good. so, staying as-is; will hopefully have them this weekend and on the car next week. will post pics and summary of process used to acheive.
05-15-2018, 01:05 PM
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I thought the best way to do these is to dip the wheel in the black paint to the required depth to get the even line all around
Need pics of these mounted
Last edited by WillH; 05-15-2018 at 01:08 PM.
05-15-2018, 02:39 PM
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Originally Posted by WillH
I thought the best way to do these is to dip the wheel in the black paint to the required depth to get the even line all around
Need pics of these mounted 
You'd need a big container filled with paint and that would be very wasteful.
Maybe if you were manufacturing sets, but a paint shop isn't going to do that without charging you for every drop of the 25+ gallons of paint that would require.
Last edited by particlewave; 05-15-2018 at 04:39 PM.
05-15-2018, 03:49 PM
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Agreed. I remember reading that's how Fuchs did it. Maybe just internet rumours though.
...but a tub made for purpose wouldn't be too hard to do. Fill it with rust oleum... Bake in the oven...
05-15-2018, 03:53 PM
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just bought these wheels ...
I'm actually thinking about blasting my 17" boxster wheels, polishing the lip and then shooting with Gibbs to go for that retro American racing torque thrust wheel look.
Last edited by WillH; 05-15-2018 at 03:58 PM.
05-16-2018, 01:51 PM
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well, when i asked the wheel guy about why they didn't go to the bottom of the spoke with the black, he took that as direction to go to the bottom of the spoke. the results, lines are a bit rougher, but looks is more old fuchs and less new fuchs.
05-16-2018, 03:24 PM
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Originally Posted by The Radium King
well, when i asked the wheel guy about why they didn't go to the bottom of the spoke with the black, he took that as direction to go to the bottom of the spoke. the results, lines are a bit rougher, but looks is more old fuchs and less new Fuchs
05-16-2018, 08:38 PM
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I think i like the older look, after flippng between the pics. Cant wait to see a pic on the car.:dance:
2000 Boxster S Ocean Blue Metalic
05-17-2018, 03:34 AM
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Looks great, too. 
Not a biggie, if the lines are not that sharp...I couldn't see that, without glasses on.
Can't wait to see them on the Boxster.
Original Owner | PORSCHE Boxster 2.7L (MY01) | Seal Gray
05-17-2018, 09:45 AM
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Originally Posted by BRAN
Not a biggie, if the lines are not that sharp
Yeah, they did a great job...if they are 10 year old children. When I pay for a "professional" job, I expect much better.
Sorry, but if you can't see that, you're friggin blind. Those lines are absolutely horrid.
05-17-2018, 10:43 AM
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Originally Posted by particlewave
Yeah, they did a great job...if they are 10 year old children. When I pay for a "professional" job, I expect much better.
Sorry, but if you can't see that, you're friggin blind. Those lines are absolutely horrid. 
Compared to the first job, the lines look less clean. Even the RSR wheels show problems with the lines btw.
I was considering a paint job too, once...but my paint shop guys warned me, that curves are extremely troublesome to paint and one might notice irregularities.
That is what happened here, they painted the grooves. They should have set the line a little above it. I guess that is why Otto Fuchs' wheels aren't painted all the way to the bottom...there are no sharp edges.
And yes...sometimes I really feel friggin' blind, sucks...but meh. Good excuse when you're old
Original Owner | PORSCHE Boxster 2.7L (MY01) | Seal Gray
05-17-2018, 12:08 PM
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Originally Posted by particlewave
Yeah, they did a great job...if they are 10 year old children. When I pay for a "professional" job, I expect much better.
Sorry, but if you can't see that, you're friggin blind. Those lines are absolutely horrid. 
I suppose you could ask them to re-re-do. Perhaps an 1/8" above bottom? Either way, I like the second attempt better than the "top only", even though that version had cleaner lines. Painting deeper gives more depth, but maybe that's just me...
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