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SD987 06-26-2006 10:05 AM

The $82,000 Boxster...
Here's what happens when a jackass gets his hands on the Porsche configurator and then backs out of his Build to Order. The local dealer is currently stuck with this specimen. It has ceramic brakes and paint/interior to sample, but is lacking xenons, PASM, PCM or Sports Chrono, yet still costs $82,000. Good luck with this one Pioneer...

BentleyJava 06-26-2006 10:39 AM

I'll give them $25k for it.


EPIQTodd 06-26-2006 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by SD987
Here's what happens when a jackass gets his hands on the Porsche configurator and then backs out of his Build to Order. The local dealer is currently stuck with this specimen. It has ceramic brakes and paint/interior to sample, but is lacking xenons, PASM, PCM or Sports Chrono, yet still costs $82,000. Good luck with this one Pioneer...

How can a dealer let that happen? Isn't there some contract signed with such a build-to-order vehicle, or is the dealer just counting the profits and don't think to require a huge deposit at very least so they aren't stuck with something they will literally LOSE money on?

Wonder what the 'non-metallic paint-to-sample' is? Makes a bad situation even worse.

xavier405 06-26-2006 11:48 AM

Looks like an "image" car... a lot of the equipment is cosmetic. Or the functional equipment has a high cosmetic appeal (look at my cool yellow brake calipers).

Perfectlap 06-26-2006 12:04 PM

wow I remember when really exotic cars were $82,000
and you could buy a home for $100K without a 50 year mortgage
and an expenisve cable bill was an option,
and people got along fine without cell phones and the internet,
and you could actually speak to a human being on a customer service number
and your girlfriends handbag didn't cost as much as your first car


he just got up one morning and said

what the FE($)#*$)! Am I out of my mind????
This crazy world has convinced me I need a Porsche!

F&^$# Them! I'm going home...hmmm I wonder if there is Jamba juice on the way home.

eslai 06-26-2006 12:14 PM

Ah ahhahah dang! I need to stop by and take a look at that thing. I'll take photos. :)

Brucelee 06-26-2006 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by EPIQTodd
How can a dealer let that happen? Isn't there some contract signed with such a build-to-order vehicle, or is the dealer just counting the profits and don't think to require a huge deposit at very least so they aren't stuck with something they will literally LOSE money on?

Wonder what the 'non-metallic paint-to-sample' is? Makes a bad situation even worse.

Most dealers would require the buyer to put some earnest money at risk if they bail. Whether this dealer did or not, who knows.

My guess is, they did. I know this dealer.

KKast 06-26-2006 01:50 PM

When I ordered my 987 in March the dealer asked for a $2K, fully-refundable deposit. This gets me a 72-hour right of first refusal when the car shows up in August. Of course, I didn't order a monstrosity like this. You would think once you go to custom paint there's got to be some "restocking" fee.


JP-s-in st. louis 06-26-2006 05:17 PM

I would rather walk away from 1-2 grand then drop 82 on a Boxster. Hello Z06 or GT3.

dragonrods 06-26-2006 05:40 PM

That thing better take care of me for that much....

SD987 07-19-2006 02:05 PM

Was at the dealer recently and spoke to the salesman on this particular unit.

Although the car is listed on the dealer's inventory, it apparently has not yet been delivered and is not actually for sale. It was a special order for a customer currently spending some time overseas, who is looking forward to picking this gem up. And the paint to sample?...wait for it...

Rolex Green.

Perfectlap 07-19-2006 02:23 PM

I saw that green on a CaymanS first hand. It's bad ass.
(beige interior) had a golden like shimmer in the sun.
Looked like a million bucks, must be wicked at sundown.

eslai 07-19-2006 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by SD987
Was at the dealer recently and spoke to the salesman on this particular unit.

Although the car is listed on the dealer's inventory, it apparently has not yet been delivered and is not actually for sale. It was a special order for a customer currently spending some time overseas, who is looking forward to picking this gem up. And the paint to sample?...wait for it...

Rolex Green.

Oy vey.

I stopped by after you originally reported this and talked to one of the salesmen there. He said it wasn't in inventory yet but that's all he had to say about it.

bolkar 07-20-2006 08:09 AM

I paid my 06 987s little over $79k.

SD987 07-20-2006 08:51 AM

Bolkar if you are in a financial position and inclined to spend 26k on Boxster options, then good for you, it must be nice! I'd love to read your options list.

I originally posted about this because I found it amazing that someone could spend 82K on a box and end up with the options that he did. For example, I didn't even think it was mathematically possible to spend 82k on the configurator without getting PCM of some sort.

However, with the Rolex green paint to sample, the intent of the buyer makes sense now. My analysis is that the guy is not an auto-x type in that he left off the PASM/Sports Chrono which greatly enhance the performance feel of the car, but he got the PCCB. I'd bet a large amount of money that the only reason he got PCCB is so the brake caliper color would match the Rolex green/gold theme (note the yellow instrument dial faces). If someone wants to craft their Boxster as an homage to Rolex, more power to'em....but I'm still going to laugh at them.

Perfectlap 07-20-2006 09:37 AM


if money were no object I too would spring for the yellows and I'd leave the driver aids off the car for sure, opt for the thicker steering well (in alcantara), I can see skipping the Litronics on principle as well; I really see no big difference between halogens particularly in city driving. Like I said before this new green is a very very nice color in person. very distracting. Not sure it would work on anything other than a coupe though.
Green and yellow could also be an homage to Lotus (the racing team not the car) as well. I think a black interior would be a little more racy too.

the choice of wheel spacers and PCCB together, is interesting.

MikenOH 07-20-2006 10:03 AM

But then again..
SD987 wrote:
My analysis is that the guy is not an auto-x type in that he left off the PASM/Sports Chrono which greatly enhance the performance feel of the car;

What about the 5MM spacers? :) (must have been an ordering mistake)

SD987 07-20-2006 12:08 PM

I think you may need 5mm spacers to put PCCB calipers on a 987, or maybe he just wanted the locking capability on the 5mm.

Dammit Mike...stop trying to mess up my theory !

mtch 07-20-2006 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by Perfectlap

I can see skipping the Litronics on principle as well; I really see no big difference between halogens particularly in city driving. .

that's funny because i wouldn't buy a car without xenon now. my commute is suburban, high speed (25 miles of interstate), usually pre-dawn except this time of year, and teaming with roadside dear. there is a big difference in you drive outside of a city environment

SD987 07-20-2006 10:12 PM

Having had both the 987 base with halogens and the xenons on the S I actually think they're comparable at low beam, the projector headlamps work much better than any standards halogen that I've seen.

However, the combination of the low beam xenon and halogen high-beam spotlight on the S is truly outstanding. It seems to be almost double the range of the halogen only high-beams.

Long story short, for rural driving where you can use high-beams more, I'd have to agree with Mtch.

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