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MWS 11-20-2016 11:02 AM

Boxster or lawn mower?
This is a pseudo-serious question, I guess more to provide argument ammunition for my wife, but opinions with justifications would be appreciated.

We are going to finish our basement this winter (finally), and have lugged all the stuff that seems to pile up in a basement to our garage. Our garage is a heated oversized 3 car and we have 3 cars as well as all the other garage standard stuff. Unfortunately the basement junk now fills one of the bays leaving one dd parked outside with the other inside as well as the Boxster (which also is car covered). The winters here get pretty nasty so I have been trying to figure out what to do. My neighbor winters in Florida and has offered to let me use garage, but as she has all utilities shut off the temperature could easily drop to subzero.

Having ruled out moving all of the basement junk next door (which seems to be an abuse of kindness, as well as too much work), I am left with moving either the Boxster or the lawn mower (plus a couple things). Wife is adament Boxster must go where I would rather move anything else.

I guess I am really looking for reasons to not do the obvious; good reasons not to abandon a Boxster in potential subzero temps for as much as 4 months would be appreciated.

Disclaimer: If my wife stumbles across this forum, I disavow all knowledge...this is not me, obviously an imposter.

JFP in PA 11-20-2016 11:40 AM

How about just getting rid of at least some of the junk? Nearly everyone has stuff in storage that they will never need or use again, most of which could be donated to a charity.

Just a thought...............

grc0456 11-20-2016 11:48 AM

Good God, don't let her make you put the Box outside! So her plan is to have two bays of a nice, heated for garage/basement stuff and one bay for her car, while your DD and the Box stay outside? Any room for a shed for the non-auto stuff? My lawn mower and pressure washer stay in an outside shed all winter in the Northeast. All I do is add Sta-bil and they start up in the spring.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Anker 11-20-2016 12:29 PM

The cold temperatures aren't a problem. Humidity, sun and mice are.

One option is a collapsible garage. Vapor barrier over the ground and lots of moth balls and Decon to keep the critters at bay. That's what I am doing.

Take a look at ShelterLogic Corp. | Shade, Shelter, and Storage

WillH 11-20-2016 01:01 PM

Build a garden shed for all the stuff that doesn't belong in the garage.

kjc2050 11-20-2016 01:19 PM

Seriously?? Put the Boxster in your neighbor's garage. Run a couple of HD extension cords to it in order to keep the Box on a battery tender. So what if it gets cold??

boxxster 11-20-2016 02:49 PM

1. Get rid of the wife
2. Buy another boxster
3. ?????
4. Profit!

Pirate50 11-20-2016 02:58 PM

Sounds like time for a 4 post lift.:D

thstone 11-20-2016 04:24 PM

Mechanically, the Boxster will be fine unheated. However, it may feel unloved and be pissed at you in the Spring. But that is between you and your car. Bringing flowers always helps. :)

NewArt 11-20-2016 05:47 PM

Here, in winter, ABOVE-zero temps are rare. My car doesn't seem to mind. Just don't go starting it for a few minutes during it's sleep time! A battery tender junior will keep the battery in shape and a hit of gasoline stabilizer won't hurt. Change the oil just before putting it to bed.

Mark_T 11-20-2016 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by WillH (Post 517220)
Build a garden shed for all the stuff that doesn't belong in the garage.

This is what I did, put up an 8x12 shed and all the yard stuff is out there now.

What is it with you guys that let your wives call all the shots?? All the time on here I'm seeing "my wife won't let me do this" or "my wife told me to do that", "my wife won't let me spend my own money" .... Geez you guys, for chissake, grow a pair!! I've never seen so many p-whipped whiners!

Disaster 11-21-2016 03:14 AM

You think your Boxster needs to stay warm?!? Keep it on a battery tender and let it freeze.

tommy583 11-21-2016 05:28 AM

I leave my car in the unheated garage, the mower is in the shed. Looks like I put it to sleep for the winter just in time.


flouese 11-21-2016 06:00 AM

OMG, winter hit N. FL. today. Temp dropped all the way down to mid-40's. Will my Box survive???

jb92563 11-21-2016 06:23 AM

With the convertible top being a Plastic of some sort, and the extreme cold and the weight of the snow, I would store it indoors over the winter to avoid unnecessary stress on the top.

I suppose this could warrant you buying a hard top for outdoor winter storage :D
or some kind of structure to protect your $65,000+ car.

A car lift sounds like a good idea too ;)

Ask your wife where her other friends park their $65k cars over the winter?

jb92563 11-21-2016 06:28 AM


Originally Posted by tommy583 (Post 517274)
I leave mine in the unheated garage. Looks like I put it to sleep for the winter just in time.


Haaaaaa, thanks for the reminder why I choose to live on the West Coast.
Its easy to forget when it hasn't rained in 9 months and the water bill is exceeding the electrical bill.
Its a chilly one here today, it actually rained from last night to this morning and its only 65F out.....brrrrrrrrr!

DrCactus 11-21-2016 07:24 AM

Oh man, we got about 18cm snow but looks like you were hit pretty hard.... Canada is starting to look like the Winter destination country !! hahaha My igloo keeps melting on me...

p3230 11-21-2016 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by JFP in PA (Post 517206)
How about just getting rid of at least some of the junk? Nearly everyone has stuff in storage that they will never need or use again, most of which could be donated to a charity.

Just a thought...............

Instead of getting rid of stuff he should maybe get rid of the wife and her car.

mikefocke 11-21-2016 05:13 PM

Lots of Boxsters are car covered for hibernation where winters are nasty. I kept mine that way with a Noah fabric car cover and a battery maintainer and even occasionally scraped 8" of snow off the cover to take the Boxster out when the streets were clear but the snow was still on the car. I found a push broom perfect for the purpose. I know Indiana winters, having spent 4 of them there not far from the lakes.

Below freezing won't hurt especially in a garage.

Boxtaboy 11-21-2016 05:33 PM

I had a similar issue except we have 3 cars, but only a 2 car garage. My wife's car, a SUV, gets a spot in the garage as well as my Boxster. My DD sedan sits outside. When we started collecting more and more junk (snow blower, generator, etc) that started taking up more space, wife suggested I move the Boxster out to fit all this junk. Told her no way, and that instead, I'd move said junk into a shed. If her car can stay in the garage, why can't mine? You gotta put your foot down. :)

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