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jb92563 03-09-2016 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by tomonomics (Post 486615)
Isn't the point of the oil filter to 'filter' bits of metal (and any other foreign object of a certain size)?
Or are you trying to attract pieces of metal that are smaller than (x)micron that the filter won't contain, as someone mentioned above.

Just confused as to why this is needed inside the filter, as opposed to a better filter that would contain these sized particles in the first place.

Filters are a compromise between catching small enough particles vs keeping a good oil flow rate especially when the oil is cold.

When I dissected the filter I would expect some of that magnetic type sludge to be caught in the filter element itself but the filter element seemed clear of those size particles so I can only assume they are passing through the filter element.

I'd rather catch this stuff with the magnets and not let it circulate through the bearings and stuck on the cylinder walls. Its like having 600 grit sand paper passing through the engine....no thanks, lets get rid of that stuff and have longer bearing life and higher compression for a longer time.

If you could pay $30 one time to make your engine last another 20,000 miles or perhaps much more, what would that be worth to you?
It will not even effect your warranty and with the magnets being external if it fails for some reason there is no chance of damaging anything.

That's the point! $30, DIY in 15min, no downside, only benefits. You can't loose on this one.

jb92563 03-09-2016 06:47 AM


Originally Posted by Santafe (Post 486618)
I think this is a great idea guys, can't wait to try it, just have to be careful not to park over a manhole or drain cover.

OMG,:eek: the horror!


tomonomics 03-09-2016 06:50 AM


Originally Posted by particlewave (Post 486617)
Pore diameter in the filter media is restricted by the need for fluid flow. In other words, there are many ferrous metal particles that are small enough to fit through the pores of the filter media and if those pores are made smaller, the oil will not flow freely enough and/or the filter will become clogged by debris prematurely and cause either complete filter bypass or oil starvation.

Magnets in oil filtration systems are actually pretty common, just not on passenger cars.

I've seen them in transmissions, as you're expecting more particles there, but if you've got that much metal in your engine oil, you've got other problems.

Also, while it seems these are crazy strong magnets, I'd still be concerned that oil flow + a large pothole would release a clump of the sludge all at once, which would be more likely to cause a stroke. As opposed to Coumadin (frequent oil changes).

I recall from my Miata days some Blackstone comparisons in oil samples from magnetized filters, but I can't find it. (no pictures, so it didn't happen!)

JFP in PA 03-09-2016 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by tomonomics (Post 486621)
I've seen them in transmissions, as you're expecting more particles there, but if you've got that much metal in your engine oil, you've got other problems.

Also, while it seems these are crazy strong magnets, I'd still be concerned that oil flow + a large pothole would release a clump of the sludge all at once, which would be more likely to cause a stroke. As opposed to Coumadin (frequent oil changes).

I recall from my Miata days some Blackstone comparisons in oil samples from magnetized filters, but I can't find it. (no pictures, so it didn't happen!)

All internal combustion engines generate a fine ferrous grit as a normal offshoot of parts wear and tear. A major problem is that most of this material is very fine, so fine that it can pass right through an OEM oil filter, and continue to accumulate over time.

Magnets on the outside of the filter housings see all the oil before it passes into the filter media (oil flow is from the outside to the inside in these filters), trapping this material. And if some compressed grit did pop loose, which I serious doubt happens, its first stop would be in the filter.

Serious racers have used filter magnets for years, both to limit the circulation of the grit, but also as a diagnostic tool for checking on the engine's general health.

Eric G 03-10-2016 06:26 AM

One of the best DYI mods I have seen in quite a while. Elegant and purposeful. I haven't tinkered with the box in a while, this would be a great one to do as well as on other rigs.

JayG 03-10-2016 09:18 AM

Ordered my magnets today

JayG 03-10-2016 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by Pdwight (Post 486444)
Thanks Steve, I think the duty rating on this is 170C in temp. Is the thickness of a truck tire inner tube...or perhaps a bit thicker....time will tell

Dwight, where did you get the heat shrink?

JayG 03-10-2016 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by Steve Tinker (Post 486440)
If that is standard electrical heatshrink, I doubt if it will be robust enough to withstand the +/- 100 deg C oil temperature for very long. You will find it may go brittle & fatigue with extended high temps - at least it does on electrical joints that suffer a high resistance fault.
Personally I would have used S/S hose clamps to secure the magnets.

I don't believe the oil filter housing will get anywhere near that temp
The oil in the engine, sure, but not the outside of the filter housing

jb92563 03-10-2016 12:38 PM

FYI: The Samarium Cobalt magnets are better for high temp locations.

Since Oil temps can reach about 240C the Neodium Magnets may be ok
on the outside of the filter as they tolerate up to 175 C, anything inside will need the SmCo which can stand 250 C temps without losing magnetism.

I used the SmCo magnets on the outside of the filter and they are proven to work, and I'll never have to replace them. I think the set of 7 were about $30, but I can't find the source where I got them from at the moment.

particlewave 03-10-2016 12:47 PM

The maximum operating temperature for the neodymium magnets which Dwight linked is claimed to be 302°F. ;)

Time will tell...

JayG 03-10-2016 01:13 PM

You can grab the oil filter housing with your hand, even when the engine is hot, so it does not get anywhere near the oil temp

Steve Tinker 03-10-2016 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by jb92563 (Post 486842)
Since Oil temps can reach about 240C the Neodium Magnets may be ok
on the outside of the filter as they tolerate up to 175 C, anything inside will need the SmCo which can stand 250 C temps without losing magnetism.

I doubt very much the oil reaches 240 deg C - I wouldn't want my oil more that 120 max....

JayG - you must have asbestos palms !!

particlewave 03-10-2016 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by Steve Tinker (Post 486872)
I doubt very much the oil reaches 240 deg C - I wouldn't want my oil more that 120 max....

JayG - you must have asbestos palms !!

I think he meant Fahrenheit :D


Originally Posted by JayG (Post 486852)
You can grab the oil filter housing with your hand, even when the engine is hot, so it does not get anywhere near the oil temp

Mine will be inside the canister, so hopefully it will maintain strength at oil operating temp.

Pdwight 03-10-2016 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by JayG (Post 486803)
Dwight, where did you get the heat shrink?

That was the most difficult to find, lots of folks have 4 inch heat shrink.....but they want you to buy a roll at several hundred dollars..............but ;


78F350 03-10-2016 07:16 PM

Looks good. I have 2 done so far with the hose clamp. Heatshrink tubing looks like a great idea.
To initially apply the magnets, I used JB KwikWeld. I did them one after the other doing opposing sides of the housing. Even so, they started to slump towards each other a little until I put on zip-tie and the tape. The JB Weld alone may hold, but I am going to do the heatshrink.

jb92563 03-10-2016 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by jb92563 (Post 486842)
FYI: The Samarium Cobalt magnets are better for high temp locations.

Since Oil temps can reach about 240C the Neodium Magnets may be ok
on the outside of the filter as they tolerate up to 175 C, anything inside will need the SmCo which can stand 250 C temps without losing magnetism.

I used the SmCo magnets on the outside of the filter and they are proven to work, and I'll never have to replace them. I think the set of 7 were about $30, but I can't find the source where I got them from at the moment.

Ooops, correction those engine oil temps are 240 F not C, however the magnet temps are in deg C so 175 C = 347 F so the Neodium Magnets are also well within their range and will do just fine.

Thanks for catching that guys.

Pdwight 03-11-2016 05:51 AM

Good news
SO now once these super magnets magnetize or polarize the minute metal particles we have to figure out a way to turn them into Nanites and program them to constantly sacrifice themselves to constantly rebuild the IMS and other bearing surfaces and then our Boxsters will last forever....of course if we had that tecnology we could sell it and buy Porsche LLC :cheers:

jb92563 03-11-2016 06:54 AM


particlewave 03-12-2016 05:52 PM

Here's mine. 3/4" high temp disc, stuck on top of the existing disc which is a bit weak. I wanted to go 1" to fill the whole cup on the bottom of the filter element, but couldn't find 1" in high temp.
This thing is crazy strong...interested to see what it pulls out.



JayG 03-14-2016 12:43 PM

super fast shipping from KJM. Ordered Thursday and they just arrived !
Had a quick look at their website today and the magnets are on sale for 20% off today

If you want to save some $ on shipping, select USPS regular mail ($5.00 shipping) instead of their default fedex.

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