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soxfan1966 09-04-2015 05:04 PM

Cleaning / restoring black plastic below windshield
Was lucky enough to have some time this afternoon to wash and wax the Boxster.

Each time I do this, I am left looking at the black plastic panel at the end of the windshield and before the hood starts (the place the windshield wiper arms connect).

This black plastic is faded and I would love to be able to clean / restore it.

Anyone ever done this? If so, what worked and we're you happy with the results?

Timco 09-04-2015 05:12 PM

I use the tire shine products. Makes them deep dark black.

One brand (Meguires) sells Ultra Black wipes just for that. Black plastic looks new & restored.

rexcramer 09-04-2015 05:16 PM

I have had good results from a Mother's product "Back to Black."

landrovered 09-04-2015 05:37 PM

I took mine out and spray painted it. It looks new and is easier to keep looking right.

Porsche9 09-04-2015 05:40 PM

What is the cost to just replace it with a new cowl? I just replace it on my Mini because the rubber seal (the rubber on these cars is pretty crappy) that's attached to the cowl went bad and the whole thing cost $85. This is for a OEM piece not aftermarket. If I had to replace it on the Boxster I'd be willing to spend up to $200.

Timco 09-04-2015 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by landrovered (Post 464778)
I took mine out and spray painted it. It looks new and is easier to keep looking right.


Pdwight 09-04-2015 06:09 PM

I have no idea of cost
But a few years ago on my 98 E36 this cowl was in terrible shape''I tried everything until on another forum I got informed a brand new one was $55...ordered it and installed and it still looks good

Anyone know the price for a new one

Mike689 09-04-2015 06:21 PM

I used Meguiars Ultimate Black Plastic Restorer about 4 months ago and the black color is still holding. I had just bought my car and all the exterior stuff was faded and looked horrible. I didnt use the wipes, i bought a foam applicator instead and wiped away with a microfiber towel.
Amazon.com: Meguiar's G15812 Ultimate Black Plastic Restorer - 12 oz.: Automotive

After the car wash I did two applications letting it dry in between. Then the next car wash about 2 weeks later I did the same thing and haven't used any more since. Maybe all this stuff is unnecessary but it's worked great so far.

cardiffgiant 09-04-2015 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by Mike689 (Post 464787)
I used Meguiars Ultimate Black Plastic Restorer about 4 months ago and the black color is still holding. I had just bought my car and all the exterior stuff was faded and looked horrible. I didnt use the wipes, i bought a foam applicator instead and wiped away with a microfiber towel.
Amazon.com: Meguiar's G15812 Ultimate Black Plastic Restorer - 12 oz.: Automotive

After the car wash I did two applications letting it dry in between. Then the next car wash about 2 weeks later I did the same thing and haven't used any more since. Maybe all this stuff is unnecessary but it's worked great so far.

I did one application and it looked amazing for about a month, then started to return to faded gray. It sounds like the multiple applications are the way to go.

Pdwight 09-04-2015 07:09 PM

If you dare
A method to restore faded gray black plastic is to take a heat gun with careful control and heat until just the surface changes....and yes you can see it as it happens. It will last years and you can do the same thing again....but careful careful

I did this to several parts of my E36 and it looks wonderful...but you have to have a steady hand and good control. If you have an old piece of trim laying around off the car give it a try and you will get an idea of what it takes.

litespeedp 09-05-2015 02:28 AM

2 years ago I removed mine and cleaned it with detergent and then sprayed Krylon Fusion Satin Black #2421 with 2 light coats.Don't use too much or the shine will be too much.Very happy with the results

This paint is used for outdoor plastic furniture and it's great.Practice on and old plastic trashcan.

I looked into the cost of replacing this cowling and I think it was $100 or less.There might be a 2 small pieces that but up against the large center piece as well.

Don't get me started on how ALL the manufacturers are using this cheap plastic trim junk on the cars.Even the S Class Mercedes Benz comes that way.Go look at one!

landrovered 09-05-2015 04:17 AM


Originally Posted by Timco (Post 464781)

One end had come unfastened due to broken plastic so I took it out to epoxy putty it and painted it while I had the chance. I painted it with flat black first then used clear coat to get the correct patina.

schnellman 09-05-2015 05:08 AM

+1 on Back to Black

Originally Posted by rexcramer (Post 464777)
I have had good results from a Mother's product "Back to Black."

I've used it on several parts with great luck.

paulofto 09-06-2015 05:53 AM


Originally Posted by schnellman (Post 464825)
I've used it on several parts with great luck.

Mother's Back to Black

Me too, including the rear black bumperettes. Product delivers as promised.

Jamesp 09-06-2015 06:12 AM

Mine had broken at each end where it attaches with bolts. I fixed that with epoxy and glass cloth, but I gave up trying to keep it nice, broke down and bought a new one last week. Still not installed as I had to order the closeout plugs and gasket. I did use the tire shine and it worked well, but the corners were never perfect after the repair so coupling that with constant maintenance means it is getting replaced.

EZY 09-06-2015 07:29 PM

Got the same problem with my cowl..anybody know what a new replacement will cost?

JayG 09-06-2015 08:37 PM

mine is broken where the bolt is at one end
depending on what year, up to 01 ~$75, 02-04 ~130
the earlier on has round bolt covers and the newer one square ones

Did the repair work?

landrovered 09-07-2015 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by JayG (Post 465032)

Did the repair work?

I used epoxy putty (grey tube) and fashioned a metal part to replace the plastic that was broken and now it is stronger than the original. The key is plenty of surface area between the metal and the plastic for the putty to adhere to.

Jamesp 09-07-2015 02:44 PM

The repair worked very well. the corners are slightly raised due to the additional material (epoxy and glass fibers) under the plastic cowl where it bolts down, but unless you know it is there (i do) it is not noticeable. I performed this repair with the plastic panel off the car, and made sure to have a thin layer of glass reinforced epoxy (5 minute epoxy) on the top and bottom of the broken piece. The hardest part was figuring out how the broken end pieces under the nuts fit onto the cowl after everything was removed, so pay attention to the geometry when you take it apart. Not a hard repair but getting the epoxy/glass into thin layers so everything fits back together is fussy.

soxfan1966 09-07-2015 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by paulofto (Post 464970)
Mother's Back to Black

Me too, including the rear black bumperettes. Product delivers as promised.

There appears to be several products by Mother's that fall into the "Back to Black" category.

Are these basically all the same thing? Is there one people have used ?

"Mothers 06112 Back-to-Black Plastic and Trim Restorer"

"Mothers 06141 Back-to-Black Heavy Duty Trim Cleaner Kit"

An earlier post in the thread mentioned "Meguiar's G15812 Ultimate Black Plastic Restorer" as another option.

The Mother's kit above comes with a brush, which may be helpful in cleaning this particular part.

Jager 09-07-2015 05:06 PM

Use "Wipe New" for this, it works great and will last a long time.

Porsche9 09-07-2015 09:31 PM

Sunset Porsche has the cowl at a resonible price.

COWL for 2002 Porsche Boxster

EJ-Fresno 09-08-2015 11:30 AM

How difficult is it to remove the cowl?
Open the frunk, lift the wipers and pull on it?

JayG 09-08-2015 12:08 PM

Pictures, we need pictures
No pics, it didn't happen

emore93 09-09-2015 06:47 AM

You will need to:
1. Remove the wiper arms
2. Pop the cowl bolt covers up (small flat section next to wiper arms)
3. Remove 2 torx head bolts
4. Diconnect washer nozzle from cowl

There is a rubber seal on the leading edge of cowl.
Last time I checked the cowl was around $46.00 and the rubber seal was about $9.00.

I will try to get pictures up describing what I am talking about...latter.

JayG 09-09-2015 08:01 AM

I did a fix to my broken one

I used the plastic that a socket is attached to at a store so it can hang from a rack for the repair piece
I cut it to fit the broken area and then JB Weld to attach it, a dremel to trim it a little for the bolt

Hopefully this will hold and I saved myself $125 for a new cowl

Mine was not faded too badly, but I used Meguiars Ultimate Black Plastic Restorer anyway. Now looks factory new

May not be the prettiest repair, but should be strong enough


kk2002s 09-09-2015 08:09 AM

I've used a couple things Back to Blk and a Turtle wax product for plastic
I used the Back to Black on my jeep's fenders and that lasted all year so it is a good product

I just coat the top surface and leave the sides the faded black, adds a little contrast

I'm guessing to remove you have to remove the wipers also??

My fastening points were broken as well so the bolts really didn't secure tightly
I used over sized SS washers that catch the existing plastic but it's just a matter of time.

JayG 09-09-2015 08:12 AM


Originally Posted by kk2002s (Post 465314)
I've used a couple things Back to Blk and a Turtle wax product for plastic
I used the Back to Black on my jeep's fenders and that lasted all year so it is a good product

I just coat the top surface and leave the sides the faded black, adds a little contrast

I'm guessing to remove you have to remove the wipers also??

My fastening points were broken as well so the bolts really didn't secure tightly
I used over sized SS washers that catch the existing plastic but it's just a matter of time.

Yes, you need to remove both wiper arms. I marked the blade location with some blue tape on the windshield to make sure they got back to the correct place

When mine first broke, I used a large washer to hold it. That worked for a while, maybe a month or so

dbear61 09-09-2015 05:45 PM

Any thoughts on some of the Amazon reviews stating these products streak and bleed onto the painted surfaces when it rains? You could avoid driving in the rain, but I don't think you're going to find a cowl shower cap to use when it's time to wash the car.


soxfan1966 09-20-2015 02:26 PM

Finally had a chance to pick up some Mother's Back to Black and try it out on the windshield cowl this afternoon...

Here is the before picture:


And the after pictures (I did two passes with the product):



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