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JayG 04-17-2014 11:58 AM

Spoiler signs
Not sure which one I am going with....



rp17 04-17-2014 07:09 PM

Saw this one that made me shake my head. "Out of the way peasants". Good thing the Boxster spoiler retracts or you would be spraying your car every year. Or even worst, have it flipped over. :barf:

BIGJake111 04-17-2014 08:12 PM

Let's be honest our cars are great fun to drive and I do find myself to be a boxster elitist but if you ask me i will still tell you it is glorified miata. It isn't a 500k carrera gt haha.

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk

Hayden 04-17-2014 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by BIGJake111 (Post 396219)
I do find myself to be a boxster elitist but if you ask me i will still tell you it is glorified miata.

Them's fightin' words around here. ;)

Lobo1186 04-17-2014 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by BIGJake111 (Post 396219)
Let's be honest our cars are great fun to drive and I do find myself to be a boxster elitist but if you ask me i will still tell you it is glorified miata. It isn't a 500k carrera gt haha.

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk

Miata? noway. Now an MR2 or a Fiero... ok let us talk lol.

BIGJake111 04-17-2014 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by Lobo1186 (Post 396226)
Miata? noway. Now an MR2 or a Fiero... ok let us talk lol.

Point is its a really nice example of a normal roadster. Just a slightly nicer version of a Z4, slk, mx5, mr2,s2000 or whatever you want to relate it to haha. Not the kind of car that you should let go to your head and assume you are better than everyone else. (even though you are having more fun :cheers: ;) )

RawleyD 04-17-2014 09:20 PM

Spoiler signs are super tacky JayG. ;)

And bigjake, my car is much, much cooler than the 3 dozen Miatas I see everyday, along with the z4's and slk's. :)
You should have just bought yourself a Mazda and been done with it. Excuse me.. I mean have your father buy you a Mazda. ;)

BIGJake111 04-17-2014 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by RawleyD (Post 396229)
Spoiler signs are super tacky JayG. ;)

And bigjake, my car is much, much cooler than the 3 dozen Miatas I see everyday, along with the z4's and slk's. :)
You should have just bought yourself a Mazda and been done with it. Excuse me.. I mean have your father buy you a Mazda. ;)

I would never take the time to convince my parents to buy me one of those other cars. believe me i love the boxster like nothing else and would take one over a 911 or any higher car any day and especially a lower car like a miata. Just saying there is no reason to go around with the see you later peasants attitude, at specially not for me since i wasn't the one that bought my car :rolleyes:.

particlewave 04-17-2014 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by BIGJake111 (Post 396228)
Point is its a really nice example of a normal roadster. Just a slightly nicer version of a Z4, slk, mx5, mr2,s2000 or whatever you want to relate it to haha. Not the kind of car that you should let go to your head and assume you are better than everyone else. (even though you are having more fun :cheers: ;) )

You're treadin' on thin ice noob :mad:
My car is all up in my head and I like it that way :p

I think all "spoiler stickers" look kind of tacky...

BIGJake111 04-17-2014 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by particlewave (Post 396232)
You're treadin' on thin ice noob :mad:
My car is all up in my head and I like it that way :p

I think all "spoiler stickers" look kind of tacky...

Haha remember i have one of the cheapest and most stock Boxsters on here haha. Even if mine is a glorified mx5. Examples like the Dangermobile are certainly not!

As for OP i ordered one that said boxster from suncoast, came with an S as well that i left off, but i did paint the backside (facing the road) flat black which really made the silver sticker pop.

Nine8Six 04-17-2014 10:22 PM


Hoping you use the car only after kids have gone to bed

mikesz 04-18-2014 04:25 AM

Its a Porsche "There is no substitute!"

Benjamin 04-18-2014 04:40 AM


Originally Posted by RawleyD (Post 396229)
Spoiler signs are super tacky JayG. ;)

I have to agree. To each, their own, but I am not a fan of spoiler signs, bumper stickers, or personalized plates.

As far as a Box being a glorified Miata, I live in a medium sized town in Michigan and I have only seen one other Box in the last year and it was a poorly kept base model. I get looks all the time and have seen people taking pictures of it in the parking lot. I have ridden in a friend's Miata and... nothing. People couldn't care less. I don't feel the need for accessories that make it stand out. Around here it already does.

At the end of the day, these cars are to be enjoyed. If that's what makes your car more enjoyable to you, by all means, go for it!

Lobo1186 04-18-2014 05:04 AM


Originally Posted by JayG (Post 396158)

Mine says "Boxster" I do not mind it as it covers the Boxster badge when it is up so it is not redundant.

truegearhead 04-18-2014 05:07 AM


I went with the road runner, can't take the 201hp boxster too seriously.

cardiffgiant 04-18-2014 05:23 AM

I ordered a '986" one

kk2002s 04-18-2014 05:26 AM

I'm changing my user name to Super Tacky S


Deserion 04-18-2014 07:03 AM

Not a fan of spoiler stickers. Yesterday I did see a 981 with a "something something gonna misbehave" rear window banner... :confused:

Joe B 04-18-2014 08:18 AM

Who's even going to notice it at speeds above 75 mph? (you don't drive around town with the spoiler up, do you :rolleyes:...?). No stickers anywhere at all on the car is the most tasteful option in my opinion :cheers:!

Nine8Six 04-18-2014 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by kk2002s (Post 396264)
I'm changing my user name to Super Tacky S


Crap.... you took my user name idea. I'll settle for Extra Tacky then no worries.

Got the same but dark grey colour. Barely see it but with the light reflections from other cars behind, they say it looks really guuuud

Wroum +15hp!

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