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judd 03-08-2014 05:57 AM

2.5 or 3.2
looking at buying a used 2.5 boxster or 3.2 , probably opened a can of worms here as people are recommending a 3.2 manual as the 2.5 is very slow?,surely this cant be right as Porsche have sold thousands of them , I realise obviously the 3.2 will be faster by quite a bit ,but how much of a difference is there ,all replys would be appreciated thanks

BIGJake111 03-08-2014 06:22 AM

The 3.2 is worth what you pay for it and the 2.5 is worth what you pay for it... both cars are exceptional, you will not be disappointed with a 2.5.... You can resale an S much easier though so keep that in mind. If you are particularly power hungry though i would suggest a 2.5 for the time being and taking the money that would have went to a S and put that towards a Carrera engine swap. :cheers: Hope you find the right car.

recycledsixtie 03-08-2014 06:43 AM

I think that a small engine can be driven more efficiently and getting hi revs can be more fun than a larger engine. I am happy with my 2001 Box base 2.7 litre.

Being from the UK if I lived there again I would either have a Miata(NC) or base Boxster. How much speed do you need?

Advantages of 2.5 litre Boxster?
-Cheaper to buy
-Better on gas/petrol

Possible block sleeve problem
Harder to sell

Advantages of an S model?
Easier to sell
Faster/ more hp

More speeding tickets!
Uses more gas
More expensive to buy.

Of course you should try several types of Box before you commit. PPI is recommended.

Cheers, G.
PS Read all about buying a Boxster in this forum.

RandallNeighbour 03-08-2014 06:51 AM

I have a 2.5. Wish like crazy I had waited 2 years to save more money bought an S.

But then again you live in Scotland and there's lots of twisty roads around you… a base model actually works well for twisty roads and the track… straight line performance is not as good as it could be though, and you'll kick yourself for not getting a Porsche with a larger motor if you want more straight line performance out of your cars.

Save up and buy the newest S you can hold out for with the lowest miles and strong repair history.

dghii 03-08-2014 07:08 AM

I've had both, at the same time. The base car is great and a blast to drive. When I'd drive it for a week or so without driving the S, I didn't really miss the S at all.

On the other hand, when I got back in the S, I loved it! Although the cars were only two years apart (98 and 00), the as just felt more refined, composed..just better! Some of the difference could be the condition and background of the cars, but I actually had 2 98's over the course of 3 years to compare with the S.

I really liked the base car and would buy another at the right price, but I do like my S better.

BoxOfFun 03-08-2014 07:36 AM

my 2Cents!!
Just picked up my first PORSCHE. Picked up a 2000 Boxster 2.7L 5 speed.
Looked diligently for a about 3 weeks up n down the west coast, found one in my back yard practically. Dark blue with savanah beige interior 59K miles.
Just paid $950 after picking the car up on monday and got the 60K miles service done. The independent shop in Ventura was impressed, no oil leaks every thing checked out fine.
I test drove the S Model as well though it was just a short test 4 miles test ride I felt that both cars were very similar. Yes the S had more pep but not a night and day difference.

I had a misconception that the S model was superbly superior to the base model.

Yesterday drove up north and put about 400 miles on my car, response in traffic, through the twisties in SLO was very impressed. Corners well, it has ample power and pickup when needed. I had it up to about 100MPH and it felt sturdy and smooth.

If you can get a well maintained 2.7L for a decent price it is well worth it.
If you cant afford the extra 3k-4K people want just because of the S get a 2.7L you will enjoy it.

I had sold a classic car and had 16K cash, found a 2000 S with 50K miles for 13.5K super condition. The owner was a 27 year old, I felt the car looked great and drove good but the clutch just did not seem right, and I could not trust the current owner.

The other one was a 2000 2.7L off a retired couple in their mid Sixties. The car was driven sparingly by the woman to and from the country club or shopping. Maintained at the Auto Gallery. Had 59k miles.

Needless to say I bought the older couple's car for 11.5k Very clean inside/out.

RedTele58 03-08-2014 07:55 AM

Don't just focus on the difference in power between the two engines. Think also about the bigger brakes, suspension and the 6 speed on the S model.

Sometimes guys fail to throw those in the mix by focusing only on horsepower.

Infernicus 03-08-2014 07:56 AM

After driving both a 3.2 and a 2.5, I ended up getting the 2.5. I felt like I can let the engine rev out a little more on the road and use the whole powerband without getting in too much trouble. I like it. So far, it is my favorite car I have ever owned or driven. That being said, my previous cars were...not fast at all. the 2.5 is plenty fast for me!

thstone 03-08-2014 08:09 AM

Both are excellent! The 2.5 is more than adequate to scare yourself to death. I'd suggest driving both and see what you like. Either way, you can't go wrong. :)

judd 03-08-2014 09:36 AM

thanks for the replys ,loads of gr8 information to ponder on

Porsche9 03-08-2014 10:58 AM

Both cars are great. Come done to what you like and are willing to spend. For me the extra power and upgraded suspension and brakes were important and they both pay dividends on HPDE. Also the extra power is helpful in dispatching V8 powered drivers who think its a hairdressers car. :matchup:

Do yourself a favor regardless of which way you go and pick the newest and in best condition car you can find and afford. When stuff goes wrong these cars are expensive to fix.

MK_Hatter 03-08-2014 01:51 PM

I went for the 2.5 as my first Boxster and I did not regret that one bit, however it has cost me a lot of $ to keep it on the road, now I am about to buy the new 981 S which I test drove today and I am completely hooked, the only decision I have is whether I go for another manual or the PDK.

The 2.5 is likely to have the dual row bearing too, which is less likely to suffer failure than the single row on the 2.7 and S models.

Whatever you choose you will love it!

black_falcon 03-08-2014 02:20 PM

I have a 2.5 and it's a fantastic little motor. Revs to the moon and sounds amazing. I mean really sounds fantastic, one of the best sounding cars I've ever owned or driven. Has the dual row bearing with little worry of IMS troubles plus gets very respectable MPG.

I test drove a 3.2 and didn't think the power gain was THAT noticeable. It sure didn't have the charisma of the 2.5 or the spine tingling exhaust note above 4k. The added power of the 2.7 or 3.2 is most apparent on the highway; drop it in 3rd at 60mph then floor it and the more powerful cars strut their stuff and would pull away from the 2.5.

Really, they're all good cars, so concentrate on buying the best maintained model you can find.

j.fro 03-08-2014 03:15 PM

My first 986 was a '99 with the 2.5 and it was a great car....until it was rear ened and destroyed. So next I went with a 2000 S. Oh hell yeah!!! The 3.2 is a great motor, and 2000 is the year.

986_c6 03-08-2014 04:00 PM

I had the opportunity to buy either the base 2.7 or 3.2 brand new back in 2002 from the same dealer...bought the 2.7, imo, better sounding, better driving feel, better aura.

When folks make it sound like it is that much different, it really isn't. The base brakes will do just the same as the S brakes on the track...

OKCShooter 03-08-2014 04:25 PM

Since these aren't fast cars regardless of the motor, I went with the base 2.7

Saves a few bucks for the maintenance issues that are sure to follow...


Deserion 03-08-2014 04:48 PM

I bought a 2.7L and have no regrets. :)

Lobo1186 03-08-2014 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by OKCShooter (Post 390191)
Since these aren't fast cars regardless of the motor, I went with the base 2.7

Saves a few bucks for the maintenance issues that are sure to follow...


worst case scenario, your engine blows up and you drop a Chevy LS3 in there.:dance:

BIGJake111 03-08-2014 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by black_falcon (Post 390171)
I have a 2.5 and it's a fantastic little motor. Revs to the moon and sounds amazing. I mean really sounds fantastic, one of the best sounding cars I've ever owned or driven. Has the dual row bearing with little worry of IMS troubles plus gets very respectable MPG.

I test drove a 3.2 and didn't think the power gain was THAT noticeable. It sure didn't have the charisma of the 2.5 or the spine tingling exhaust note above 4k. The added power of the 2.7 or 3.2 is most apparent on the highway; drop it in 3rd at 60mph then floor it and the more powerful cars strut their stuff and would pull away from the 2.5.

Really, they're all good cars, so concentrate on buying the best maintained model you can find.

I love how my 2.5 sounds.. But have never heard an S to compare. The S has more grumble, but does our 2.5 really have the ideal metallic scream above 4k?

lkchris 03-08-2014 05:39 PM

What is difference in cost to insure?

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