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78F350 10-08-2024 11:42 AM

Scrapping 2004 Base Model Soon
Most of the in-demand parts are already gone, but if there's anything you want before I scrap it at the end of October, post your request in this thread and I'll let you know if it's available.
Odometer shows 190,000 miles, but at some point it had a factory replacement engine installed. 2004 2.7L with PSM and came with factory Litronics. The engine still ran well when transmission was pulled. All 4 Brakes are there, but from what I remember at least one of the rears has a torn boot on the caliper. I'm willing to sell the whole thing to someone willing to pick it up.

Transaxle, axles, and shifter are gone.

For prices, I generally look at 'Solds' on eBay and price it lower. Located in Northeastern Oklahoma.

Parts not pictured may still be available, plus I have boxes of parts from cars that are already gone.



78F350 10-22-2024 11:03 AM

So far I'm sending out the engine hoist ring thingie by the throttle body and some harness parts for Litronic Headlights. There's still a lot of car left including a (running before removed) 2.7L 3 chain engine.
I'm going to be delayed in scrapping the car due to a temporary restriction of lifting no more that 15 lbs for a few more days, but then it's coming apart and going away.

Homeoboxter 10-24-2024 11:26 AM

From out of your many boxsters and engines, do you happen to have an IMS from a 3-chain/987 motor? I'm looking for the one with the large bearing. Porsche also installed these into the replacement engines that were changed out under warranty, so you may have come across those in the 5-chain/986 motors also. Thanks!

78F350 10-24-2024 04:49 PM

The engine in this one is a replacement and it's an '04 model so there is a chance. The flywheel is still on, but I can take it off and get a look. Do you know if there's an easy way to see or measure without pulling the flange?

Homeoboxter 10-24-2024 05:28 PM

Oh, I thought you'd want to sell the whole engine as one piece since it runs.
It has this big nut on the shaft, I think it's recognizable:


78F350 10-24-2024 05:57 PM

That should be easy to spot. I may list the engine locally for a week or two, but I don't want to deal with shipping it. There's not a lot of demand for three chain 2.7L engines around here, so I'll probably pull it apart and scrap it. Taking these apart is a lot more fun than assembling them.

I'll let you know in the next day or two which bearing I find.

Homeoboxter 10-24-2024 06:20 PM

Haha, yeah, lots of fun, especially with power tools :D. Sounds good, thanks! :cheers:

78F350 10-25-2024 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by Homeoboxter (Post 663846)
Oh, I thought you'd want to sell the whole engine as one piece since it runs.
It has this big nut on the shaft, I think it's recognizable:


Yep, Here's what I saw today:


Here's my plan: I'll have the engine listed for local pick-up only until I have enough free time to take it apart. As long as nobody buys it first, you can have the IMS.

Homeoboxter 10-26-2024 07:30 AM

That's awesome. The backside of this engine looks cleaner than my 22k mile-motor that i'm working on. This hasn't run much.

Jjay71 10-27-2024 06:09 AM

I'm looking for the wiring harness in the left rear wheel well. The connector on my 99 has disintegrated

78F350 10-27-2024 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by Jjay71 (Post 663882)
I'm looking for the wiring harness in the left rear wheel well. The connector on my 99 has disintegrated

Here's the harness for the left rear speed sensor and brake wear sensor. $15 shipped to Texas. I do PayPal at https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/JonCarparts?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US



If you'd prefer 'new' I have seen them listed at several online vendors:

Jjay71 10-27-2024 07:53 PM

That looks just right. Going to PayPal now. Thanks so much.

78F350 10-28-2024 11:11 AM

Thanks Jay, I have your shipping address now and will mail it today or tomorrow.

Anyone else? I'm pulling the easy stuff that I can put on a box, but planning to haul the husk to the scrap yard tomorrow. There's plenty of wiring harness I can still clip if I know before I take it.


78F350 10-29-2024 10:04 AM

That one is gone.

...but I still have another parts car and a boxes of parts from past cars. Just ask if you need anything.

flmont 11-04-2024 08:05 AM

hello 78F350,,.would you happen to have a 03'-04' top frame..? Thank's Frank

78F350 11-04-2024 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by flmont (Post 664054)
hello 78F350,,.would you happen to have a 03'-04' top frame..? Thank's Frank

Of course I do, but I've been avoiding responding to your queries in the past because it's a pain to figure out shipping.

Lets figure this out. Do you have a 'canvas' that is made to fit on the later model frame or do you need the complete top in good condition? Both of the '03/'04 tops I have on hand have some wear and no liner, but are fully functional. I think that shipping would be simpler with a bare frame.

Shipping might not be a problem if you are flexible on time. My oldest grandson is getting his driver's license any time now and I'm planning to give him a Prius. I plan to drive to Phoenix some time in the next few months with it and could arrange to meet. ...or I can see what FedEx will do with it.

At the moment I have no idea on a good price or shipping cost.

flmont 11-06-2024 08:36 PM

Lol,..I should have known you do,..I have a nice 03'-04' glass window top, on a 2002 frame, and it is very hard to do any maintenance,( so looking for a 03'-04 frame)..and yes I can wait a bit Bc I intend to work on it over the winter,..I hope to work something out for pick up ( in Phx ) or shipping which ever is the most convenient for you ,..Thank's Frank

78F350 11-11-2024 05:20 PM

Homeoboxter, The engine sold today. Although I would have liked to send the IMS shaft I have so little available time right now that it could have taken another month before I had time to tear down the engine. A decent running engine, it's now a backup for a car with over 180k miles.

Frank, In the next few days, I'm likely to swap a few tops around as I figure out which cars are priority projects and which may be passed on. I'll get some pics of what you can have and maybe I'll have a better idea of my travel plans next week.

flmont 11-12-2024 10:37 AM

Great Thank's F350,..I appreciate that !

Homeoboxter 11-12-2024 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by 78F350 (Post 664194)
Homeoboxter, The engine sold today. Although I would have liked to send the IMS shaft I have so little available time right now that it could have taken another month before I had time to tear down the engine. A decent running engine, it's now a backup for a car with over 180k miles.

Thanks, I understand, that look like a great engine with low miles, would have been a waste to tear it down for an IMS. I'll keep looking. These kinds with the larger bearing either sell quickly on ebay or they just ask way too much for them and they never sell.

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