Forum: Performance and Technical Chat
03-21-2024, 06:15 AM
Replies: 10
Views: 784
Forum: Performance and Technical Chat
03-20-2024, 03:32 PM
Replies: 10
Views: 784
Forum: Performance and Technical Chat
03-20-2024, 12:11 PM
Replies: 10
Views: 784
Forum: Performance and Technical Chat
03-20-2024, 11:19 AM
Replies: 10
Views: 784
Forum: Performance and Technical Chat
03-20-2024, 09:51 AM
Replies: 10
Views: 784
Thanks, JFP! In this case the existing IMS...
Thanks, JFP! In this case the existing IMS bearing is serviceable/replaceable with the LN Engineering P/N 106-08.2.2 retrofit kit. Thus the mystery!
I'm trying to determine whether Porsche built...
Forum: Performance and Technical Chat
03-20-2024, 08:56 AM
Replies: 10
Views: 784
Single-row IMS/IMS bearing in 2.5L M96?
Hello all! First post here!
I have a 1998 Boxster that apparently has a Porsche factory replacement engine installed (it has an "AT" code after the "M96/20" in the engine S/N). The engine has...