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Old 05-07-2015, 10:02 AM   #1
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About to pull the trigger.... Help?

First off, to everyone who's been before me - thank you for all your input on the forums. I've spent a lot of time here during my research, and the resource has been invaluable.

Porsche mechanic has a '99 986 2.5L 110K miles he put together (not technically "rebuilt") that has a brand new clutch and brand new LN IMS bearing replacement. Asking price of $8500. Scatter graph research (120+ data points, attached) shows that currently he's pretty much spot-on price wise, and considering I can know the car has been serviced properly - and it is the PERFECT color combo, I don't see a reason to put off.

However, I currently have a 3-year lease expiring in December (Scion Tc Manual) so I am in no rush. Mechanic who serviced the Porsche for the owner keeps insisting that I could find a similar S-type for $9000. Chances of it being a color I'm in love with are relatively low. Of the 100+ points of data very few (<5%) of them are tan interior.

Data does not support that I could find a mechanically sound S-Type for anything less than $1100 with service records and less than 120K miles on the engine.
  1. There has to be a limit in cost, and I need room for repairs: Does the mechanic know something I don't about S-Types? My data comes from CL/Autotrader - not the Porsche Club.
  2. I have never seen a Boxer listed for sale with 140K + Miles - assuming I drive about 22K/3 Years currently - am I setting myself up for disaster after 3 years?
  3. 3. Would YOU wait?

I plan to offer $8000 for the car with $1000 of service credit - and an agreement to keep bringing the car back to the shop over the next 3 years for all service.

Finally, my longer "why I'm here" story..
Last week my friend let me take his slavage title beater/auction 01' 986 with 130k miles for a test drive to see if I wanted to buy it. Don't worry, I didn't, but the car was still a 986, fun, yellow (albeit automatic), and I spent the weekend detailing and driving it. I fell in love like so many I'm sure.

I did my research, though I'm not a mechanic beyond working on some boat engines for work - and those were all simple things with simple problems. Took the 986 in to the local Porsche guys - and they confirmed my research - that a $5,200 986 with no service record (IMS Bearing, autmatic tranny upkeep, etc.) would be a huge risk even for my purpose or replacing a 3-year lease. I need to have value in the car to reclaim after 3 years.

SO - the admin at the Porsche mechanic mentioned the owner had put together a '99 986 - IMS bearing with LN replacement, new clutch, cleaned up. I drove that car yesterday - and besides a check engine light coming on during the test drive, the car seemed lightyears more tuned and set-up than the weekend drive. He wants $8500.

To his credit the mechnic refused to bring up the car when shooting down my yellow 986 so he didn't risk a conflict of interest. He reccomended I grab a S-Type for the beefier tranny, suspension, and fun actually.

I wanted an '00 single-row with the 2.7L, but it really doesn't seem like much of a difference.

Last edited by Bizmark; 05-07-2015 at 10:11 AM. Reason: Graph was unreadable...
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Old 05-07-2015, 10:30 AM   #2
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My 2 cents

The mechanic is selling it? Why does it have a brand new bearing? Did he find metal? That metal could be all through it.

I would strongly suggest before buying any older car - get an independent opinion. A PPI is especially important when it comes to these cars. They can be very costly to maintain if you aren't wrenching it yourself.

If you have the flexibility for the upkeep costs, the PPI is good and it's the colour combo you like, grab it!

I had a base 02 and never felt it lacked power and have heard many say the same about the 2.5L

There's really no right or wrong answer when you are buying a 15+ year old car. You can do all the spreadsheets and analysis you want - there will still be a huge amount of luck involved.

Good luck!
2011 Boxster 987.2 Arctic silver / Black leather, PDK with Sports Chrono Package Plus
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Old 05-07-2015, 12:52 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Giller View Post
The mechanic is selling it? The owner of the shop - who is also a Porsche mechanic is selling it, though his employee did most of the service. Kind of confusing.

Why does it have a brand new bearing? Did he find metal? That metal could be all through it. No metal was found when servicing the engine - the car needed a new clutch and assorted labor intensive work (free for the onwer) so the owner of the car sold it to the shop and bought a 987, IMS bearing was replaced during clutch install as a preventative measure/increase selling value to people like me who have been sufficiently scared by the IMS thing.. Car previously had an IMS bearing replaced ~40k miles.

I would strongly suggest before buying any older car - get an independent opinion. A PPI is especially important when it comes to these cars. They can be very costly to maintain if you aren't wrenching it yourself. Unfortunately the only other certified mechanic of any reputation I know of in SD is on vacation for 3 weeks. The mechanic, to his credit never pushed the car and we talked about it in length - my family has a pretty close relationship to the shop. So there's some trust here.

I had a base 02 and never felt it lacked power and have heard many say the same about the 2.5L Thanks! I didn't push the car particularly hard during the test as I was getting used to the clutch - so I didn't get to feel it out as much as the 2.7L

There's really no right or wrong answer when you are buying a 15+ year old car. You can do all the spreadsheets and analysis you want - there will still be a huge amount of luck involved. ABSOLUTELY. Statistics will never ensure a result. The 5k Porsche without the IMS bearing replacement/old tip-trans could last forever - that's why my graph (which you can't see reasonably) is only about price.. but I appreciate your point of view - because it's definitely right!

Good luck!Thanks! I'll need it
What do you think about milage? Though I've heard so many arguments for/against low/high mileage I'm about to just give up on the subject all together!
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Old 05-07-2015, 12:56 PM   #4
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Old 05-07-2015, 01:14 PM   #5
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Maybe I'm not understanding this forum but I've replied to you Giller but the thread isn't showing it - so I apologize if you get 2 replies. :/
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Old 05-20-2015, 05:25 AM   #6
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hey welcome
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Old 05-20-2015, 08:39 AM   #7
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Bizmark, let me guess, you're an engineer, right?

That's the most exhaustive purchase exercise I've seen yet (or shared on this forum!)

FWIW, If I were you I would completely ignore all 986 base models below the 2003 model year. Get an 03 or newer S model and you will not regret it. The glass window is so much better than the plastic window you have to get out and chop to fold it right every time you drop the top. The interior is nicer too. Plus, Porsche fixed little niggly problems every year they manufactured the boxster. And last, the bigger motor and increased HP make a world of difference in daily driving.

When I'm at the track I always think "any more HP and I would kill myself in this car" but that's 2 weekends out of the year. The rest of the time I'm on the streets of Houston wishing I had more HP because the car is SLOW compared to modern sedans and even base Mustangs.

Last edited by RandallNeighbour; 05-20-2015 at 08:42 AM.
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Old 05-20-2015, 10:14 AM   #8
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It's a used car purchase. Don't over think it and stress yourself needlessly.
Find one you like, buy it and drive it. When things break, fix them.
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Old 05-20-2015, 12:14 PM   #9
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a check engine light during the test drive should be examined a bit more closely ...
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Old 05-20-2015, 02:17 PM   #10
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Before you pull the trigger. Take a look at this Boxster for sale... You will be hard pressed to find one this sorted for the amount that is being asked. There is over 9k in parts alone that was put in to this car...

Best of luck...

When life throws you curves, aim for the apex...
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