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Ben006 12-10-2014 12:58 PM

I have received the shifters !

Tomorrow I will get them modified, I just don't know how long it will take !
I haven't the bearings yet but they should arrive soon enough.

then I will ship them to you as soon as possible :)

Thank you :)


Ben006 12-11-2014 07:57 AM

The shafts are at the machine shop, I hope to have them back on monday.
But the ball bearings aren't here yet :/
lets cross our fingers !

Ben006 12-16-2014 10:28 AM

Hi everyone :)

I contacted the seller for the bearings, they will not be there before christmas ...
I'm sorry, I didn't choose the better time for a groupbuy ... but don't worry, everything will be great after christmas :)


Ben006 01-02-2015 09:35 AM

Happy new year everyone !

I just got the ball bearings in the mail today :D I'm sorry it took so long :/
I will get the modified shaft from the machine shop monday.
then it may not take too long before I can send them !

More news on Monday ;)

mavis.d 01-03-2015 01:58 AM


Originally Posted by Ben006 (Post 430428)
Happy new year everyone !

I just got the ball bearings in the mail today :D I'm sorry it took so long :/
I will get the modified shaft from the machine shop monday.
then it may not take too long before I can send them !

More news on Monday ;)

No stress on my part, s *** y weather at the moment so won't be fitting for a while


Van914 01-03-2015 08:08 AM

No problem for the wait
Weather is not good for the Boxster

Reebuck1 01-03-2015 08:51 AM

Great looking forward to it !!

Ben006 01-03-2015 09:49 AM

Thank you for understanding ! :)

Ben006 01-06-2015 01:18 PM

Ok I finally got the rods and bearings back :D
the machine job did a pretty good job !
but they charge me more than twice what they told me ...

final price will be 115$ with shipping for USA
and 145$ with shipping for Canada.

I will send you a pm :)

thank you !

Ben006 01-06-2015 02:47 PM


Ben006 01-08-2015 05:11 PM

The first two has been sent !
tomorrow another one will be send :)

thanks everyone :)


Pdwight 01-08-2015 05:34 PM

Looking forward to getting mine , hope to install after the Ice Age we are having

Ben006 01-11-2015 03:32 PM

Do you guys have received my PM ?

ohhh my 03-05-2015 06:19 PM

Any feedback on how these are working?

Carlisabadman986 03-06-2015 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by ohhh my (Post 439090)
Any feedback on how these are working?

I took mine out and looked at it at sadly as we got another 6 inches yesterday. I can say it looks and feels like a very quality piece.

I will report in as soon as I do the install!

Stroked & Blown 03-06-2015 01:58 PM

If anyone is interested in limiting the down-time for the swap, I have an extra stock shift console available for $75. Prep the new shifter in the warmth of your house & do a quick console swap in the freezing cold.
PM me if interested.

Qmulus 03-06-2015 03:43 PM

I put mine in and can report that there is zero slop in any direction. Installation was a little tricky because of the tight tolerances with the bearings into the cups, but it went quickly.

Having never used one of these shifters in an unmodified state, I really can't comment if it is an improvement over the shifter with the nylon inserts (or whatever they had originally). For installation instructions I went to the B&M site and downloaded their instructions. This shifter is basically a knock-off of that, but with ball bearings on the longitudinal shafts.

All in all, if you want super short shifter travel and rifle bolt type precision with the accompanying increase in effort, you can't go wrong with this, especially for the price. I would also like to see what the 987/997 shifter is like. I imagine it is not quite as precise, and not quite as short throws, but also less effort.

Ben006 03-06-2015 07:47 PM

Thanks for the feed back Qmulus :)

Van914 03-07-2015 02:42 AM

Test fitting the bearing cups, yes they are tight! How did you get yours on?


Originally Posted by Qmulus (Post 439177)
I put mine in and can report that there is zero slop in any direction. Installation was a little tricky because of the tight tolerances with the bearings into the cups, but it went quickly.

Having never used one of these shifters in an unmodified state, I really can't comment if it is an improvement over the shifter with the nylon inserts (or whatever they had originally). For installation instructions I went to the B&M site and downloaded their instructions. This shifter is basically a knock-off of that, but with ball bearings on the longitudinal shafts.

All in all, if you want super short shifter travel and rifle bolt type precision with the accompanying increase in effort, you can't go wrong with this, especially for the price. I would also like to see what the 987/997 shifter is like. I imagine it is not quite as precise, and not quite as short throws, but also less effort.

Qmulus 03-07-2015 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by Van914 (Post 439231)
Test fitting the bearing cups, yes they are tight! How did you get yours on?

Follow the directions for the B&M shifter. Do be careful playing with the bearings before you install it. Mark the shift cable positions with a marker or tape before you remove the cables from the retainers. I did mine in with the transmission in neutral and after putting the cables exactly into the retainers the new shifter was dead on with no adjustment needed. After removing the old shifter parts, you drop the main shifter mechanism into the housing, then slide on the cups. Make sure that you match the notches in the cups with the tabs in the holes in the housing. I put a thin coat of white lithium grease inside the cups to make sliding them on the bearings a bit smoother and need to tap them a bit to get the bearings fully seated to where I could install the C clips.. I also put a bit of grease on the ball that goes into the pivot arm. With the set screws, I put them in backed way out then snugged them up, then backed up just to where there was almost no play in them and locked them with the lock nuts. The inside end of the set screws got a touch of grease on the ends as well.

I can't say how long exactly it took to install it, as I probably spent as much time cleaning as I did working. It is always good to vacuum the carpet where it is hard to get with the console installed, as well as to clean the console and clean and condition the shift knob and boot.


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