So I decide to start selling my current "box" and search for a 986 "box" when I discovered that the KBB Good Condition values are nearly identical for both "boxes". That got me thinking, perhaps someone here is in need of my "box". All jokes aside....
Looking for a 986, willing to trade (perhaps with additional cash) a 2006 Scion xB (it really is a box!). 170,000mi, 5spd, hitch, air-assist rear springs, everything works (it's a Toyota afterall, albeit an inexpensive one).
Cool things this box can do that Porsche couldn't make the 986 do:
- Tow one race motorcycle to and from every track on the eastern seaboard, packed with camping gear for two
- stow two 36" pre-hung household doors with the seats folded flat and the hatch closed
- bring 5 people to go-cart outings with helmets and egos in the hatch
- entertain three dogs, windows down, for hours on end
- do double duty as a steel tent when camping turns dangerous in high winds
- get 35mpg, while towing
- safely secure a child in the back seat
- carry 8' lumber AND a passenger with all the doors and windows closed
- be completely invisible to law enforcement officers regardless of velocity and proximity
Seriously though, I am an avid Porsche fan, have bought and sold 914s interstate and always use my real name on all forums. In NJ, willing to travel for a potetial trade.

Please feel free to email or PM me for more details.