Getting my engine rebuilt, any extras to consider?
My 2003 S 3.2 engine that failed in early July is getting rebuilt. I decided to go with LN Nickies and my 3.2 will become a 3.6. The pacing factor for the rebuild is getting the Nickies conversion completed and my block sent back to my shop. In addition to the Nickies, my engine will be rebuilt with the LN IMS Permanent Solution and ARP rod bolts. Outside of the engine I'll have a 987 airbox and Fabspeed street headers with catalysts. I already have an underdrive pulley and the MantisSport extension kit 1 deep sump. My car is street driven and sees maybe 3 HPDE's per year. Are there any other things I should consider for my engine while it is being rebuilt?
2 things I've seen mentioned are the low temperature thermostat and an upgraded 987 oil pressure relief valve. My car never ran hot but with the increased displacement it seems like this might be something to consider. What does the 987 oil pressure relief valve do and is it something to consider here?
Would welcome any thoughts on these two items and any other upgrade items worth considering for my engine as it gets rebuilt. Once my block comes back from LN, then my shop will sit down with me and discuss options, but would like to make sure I consider a comprehensive list. Thanks in advance.