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particlewave 10-13-2017 10:08 AM

Autel MD802 vs Durametric (side by side comparison)
A very generous member of our community (user alynch) has loaned my his Autel MD802 so that I can compare it to my Durametric.
This thread will list the capabilities of both and any pros/cons I can find.

I hope to have it done by the end of the weekend and will go back and edit this first post to add the information.

I plan to compare module access, actual values, activations, data logging and ease of use. If anyone has any suggestions regarding other functions that I should look at, please say so. :)

steved0x 10-13-2017 12:12 PM

  • Refresh rate of real time values for logging, like during a full throttle pull in 3rd for example.
  • Activation of the TC/PSM pump for bleeding

Also very cool project, looking forward to reading it!

algiorda 10-13-2017 12:30 PM

Darn! Too late, I already purchased the Autel. For me it made sense as I also can use it on other vehicles and didn't want to have more than one scanner.

Gelbster 10-13-2017 03:12 PM

Mr.Particle is the perfect reviewer for this.Durametric needs some competition !
If anyone has a Launch X431 ,please join in. I mention this because at work the Launch X431 is a favorite and is priced similarly

Pdwight 10-13-2017 03:35 PM

I look forward to your review
You always have a good logical no BS approach to things...

Nine8Six 10-14-2017 04:53 AM

Somehow be more interesting to read reviews between the Autel and the typical $19.99 odb scanner you find in the entrance stand at Autozone and Canadian Tire :D

Those little BT dongles are pretty hard to beat also (elm327 ic). For the price anyway. Does what it does and does it well; reporting meaningless codes and resetting car's world loll

For Autel, my guess is if hardware comm interface and software both matches proprietary P protocol, you could get it to both interact & interrogate any Porsche computers and co-processors. But without the hard coded P specific HEX/calcs and correct CRC libraries behind, that is going to be hard to compare with another soft that was coded from scratch and hardened over time.

If my understanding of Durametric is correct mind you. Could be wrong... never used or even seen it :/

pkp4911 10-14-2017 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by particlewave (Post 552355)
A very generous member of our community (user alynch) has loaned my his Autel MD802 so that I can compare it to my Durametric.
This thread will list the capabilities of both and any pros/cons I can find.

I hope to have it done by the end of the weekend and will go back and edit this first post to add the information.

I plan to compare module access, actual values, activations, data logging and ease of use. If anyone has any suggestions regarding other functions that I should look at, please say so. :)

Looking forward.

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

sfkjeld 02-26-2018 04:48 PM

Was this comparison ever written up?
I am interested in buying a scanner. This comparison would be great.

p3230 02-27-2018 04:59 AM

I had a Durametric Pro I found it was overpriced for what it can do so I sold it, have a Autel 519 that does the job and works on my other cars.

particlewave 02-27-2018 10:52 AM

I dropped the ball on this one. Got busy with life and completely forgot. I'll try to get a list of functions up soon, but the short story is that the Autel is lacking in "actual values" live data. It has a screen with the metrics, but nothing is displayed.
If you are a serious DIYer, you'll want the Durametric.

boxfix 02-27-2018 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by particlewave (Post 563846)
I dropped the ball on this one. Got busy with life and completely forgot. I'll try to get a list of functions up soon, but the short story is that the Autel is lacking in "actual values" live data. It has a screen with the metrics, but nothing is displayed.
If you are a serious DIYer, you'll want the Durametric.

Interesting. the Durametric lets me see the Monitors, so I can see in advance if it will pass CA smog.

Also like being able to operate things like the SAI pump and a lot more to see if they are working.

I like the Durametric and certainly have gotten my $$ worth out of it. I feel the basic unit is a real bargain for all it can do.

I too am interested in the Autel just out of curiosity.

sfkjeld 02-28-2018 01:26 AM

Autel as a company

Originally Posted by p3230 (Post 563823)
I had a Durametric Pro I found it was overpriced for what it can do so I sold it, have a Autel 519 that does the job and works on my other cars.

Probably not fair to judge them by their website, but it’s pretty bad. Pages do not load, functions do not work. And a Ridiculous registration process just to ask a question. Difficult to differentiate models. Basically, just hard to buy something from them. So I wonder how easy it is to get any support from them after a purchase?

JFP in PA 02-28-2018 01:53 AM


Originally Posted by sfkjeld (Post 563911)
Probably not fair to judge them by their website, but it’s pretty bad. Pages do not load, functions do not work. And a Ridiculous registration process just to ask a question. Difficult to differentiate models. Basically, just hard to buy something from them. So I wonder how easy it is to get any support from them after a purchase?

We have never had a problem.

p3230 02-28-2018 05:35 AM


Originally Posted by sfkjeld (Post 563911)
Probably not fair to judge them by their website, but it’s pretty bad. Pages do not load, functions do not work. And a Ridiculous registration process just to ask a question. Difficult to differentiate models. Basically, just hard to buy something from them. So I wonder how easy it is to get any support from them after a purchase?

I sent an email to support once and they couldn't answer my question or give me any help whatsoever, I finally sold it and bought a PST2 and I think that this is what I should have done in the first place.

sfkjeld 02-28-2018 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by p3230 (Post 563931)
I sent an email to support once and they couldn't answer my question or give me any help whatsoever, I finally sold it and bought a PST2 and I think that this is what I should have done in the first place.

What is a PST2?

dlud 02-28-2018 10:47 AM

I just bought one directly from Durametric. Before I purchased I contacted support with a question about the unit and received a prompt and concise answer. I was able to pick up a refurbished unit (I can't tell it's not new) for just over $200US. It was an easy choice. So far I've been pretty impressed.

p3230 02-28-2018 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by sfkjeld (Post 563954)
What is a PST2?

Porsche System Tester 2

p3230 02-28-2018 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by dlud (Post 563959)
I just bought one directly from Durametric. Before I purchased I contacted support with a question about the unit and received a prompt and concise answer. I was able to pick up a refurbished unit (I can't tell it's not new) for just over $200US. It was an easy choice. So far I've been pretty impressed.

Wait until you get a code and try to get some help in finding out what it is and how to go about to do the repair then you will see.

particlewave 02-28-2018 11:09 AM

Durametric provides a diagnostic tool/software and support for the aforementioned.
They are not there to decipher diagnostic codes for you and provide repair advice. :rolleyes:

JFP in PA 02-28-2018 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by p3230 (Post 563962)
Wait until you get a code and try to get some help in finding out what it is and how to go about to do the repair then you will see.

OBD II code deciphering is not a function of the software, the software just tells you what codes you are dealing with. Unfortunately Porsche (as do many other OEM's) has always treated this information as some sort of state secret. At one time, the actually published an excellent OBD II diagnostic's manual, which contained complete "decision tree" steps for diagnosing and correcting each code, but this manual sold for around $2K and is no longer in print as it is now built into their PIWIS III.

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