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jeeper31 01-04-2017 10:18 AM

Water pump Job
Is there a way to do the water pump without losing a lot of coolant? The coolant is pretty new and I would rather topnit off than replace it all. Thanks.

CrisZenithBlue 01-04-2017 10:25 AM

no shame in catching it all in a large enough container when flushing the system initially and reusing it. porsche "snake oil" is expensive as hell!

Gilles 01-04-2017 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by CrisZenithBlue (Post 521607)
no shame in catching it all in a large enough container when flushing the system initially and reusing it.

+ 1

Yes, as long you have a very clean container why not?

911monty 01-04-2017 11:00 AM

Unless you go to extraordinary length working under the car you run the risk of getting road debris, sand etc. in your coolant. I would not do this and put back into the engine. Everything is much more expensive than coolant.
I think what you're asking is there a way to prevent total loss? If this is the case you can clamp off the 2 main hoses to the radiators and at least save that volume.
Everything in the engine will drain when you pull the pump.

thstone 01-04-2017 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by 911monty (Post 521616)
Unless you go to extraordinary length working under the car you run the risk of getting road debris, sand etc. in your coolant. I would not do this and put back into the engine. Everything is much more expensive than coolant.

Agree! Unless you have a spotless engine, you're going to get dirt and debris in the coolant as it runs out and down the various parts of the engine and into the catch pan.
I would recommend not re-using it.

jcslocum 01-04-2017 01:08 PM

Strain thru cheese cloth. gets the bits out of it.

Gelbster 01-04-2017 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by jcslocum (Post 521625)
Strain thru cheese cloth. gets the bits out of it.

Your old Panty-Hose work too !

Gelbster 01-04-2017 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by jeeper31 (Post 521605)
Is there a way to do the water pump without losing a lot of coolant? The coolant is pretty new and I would rather topnit off than replace it all. Thanks.

There are some other challenging/expensive issues:
1. Do you need an AirLift to 'burp' the system when you refill it?
2. If you (wisely) decide to fit a low temp T'Stat ,whose will you buy?
And your old w/p - does it have all it's impeller blades intact ?If not, ask here about retrieving the missing pieces.
3. If you need to replace the Serpentine belt, check all the idler/tension pulley bearings for wear/noise
4. check the alternator bearing.
There are many good reasons for all this PM in Search.
The problem seldom mentioned is if the nut behind the tensioner pulley spins when you try to fit the new belt ..................
And if you want to avoid loss of coolant (again) check the coolant reservoir for deterioration
BTW Walmart coolant works just fine !
Good luck with your project !

JayG 01-04-2017 03:07 PM

Good golly Miss Molly
It ain't Unicorn sperm and while it is more expensive them most other coolant, IIRC, it technically is permanent so one you change it, its there for the life of the engine or until you replace the water pump, coolant tank, hose , etc....

I did my water pump, low temp thermostat and coolant and it was under $350. Add labor if you don't DIY

jeeper31 01-04-2017 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by Gelbster (Post 521641)
There are some other challenging/expensive issues:
1. Do you need an AirLift to 'burp' the system when you refill it?
2. If you (wisely) decide to fit a low temp T'Stat ,whose will you buy?
And your old w/p - does it have all it's impeller blades intact ?If not, ask here about retrieving the missing pieces.
3. If you need to replace the Serpentine belt, check all the idler/tension pulley bearings for wear/noise
4. check the alternator bearing.
There are many good reasons for all this PM in Search.
The problem seldom mentioned is if the nut behind the tensioner pulley spins when you try to fit the new belt ..................
And if you want to avoid loss of coolant (again) check the coolant reservoir for deterioration
BTW Walmart coolant works just fine !
Good luck with your project !

Good ideas

I have a new belt but i am not sure how old it is. Do these belts dry up if not used?

Gelbster 01-04-2017 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by jeeper31 (Post 521648)
Good ideas

I have a new belt but i am not sure how old it is. Do these belts dry up if not used?

First make sure the part # on the new belt is correct. The no-a/c belt is shorter !
Yes, it should be O.K. if stored correctly.

BirdDog 01-04-2017 07:26 PM

Just want to throw in here that the official Porsche coolant (the pink stuff) isn't all that expensive - It's something like $42 a gallon from the dealer, but that makes 2 gallons of 50/50 mix, so $21/gallon of 50/50 mix, which is pretty close to what the Prestone long-life 50/50 costs at your local auto parts store. And remember to ask you Porsche parts guy for a club discount (my dealer offers one) if you're a PCA member.

I'd caution that whatever you do, don't mix coolants! if you switch to something that isn't already in there, be sure to do a thorough flush before refilling with fresh 50/50 coolant. Mixing different coolants can result in the formation of a gel like glop which can cause overheating from restricted coolant flow.

Also, if you go with the Porsche coolant, be sure to use distilled water (not tap water) when cutting it to 50/50.

If you're on a tight budget and your current coolant is fairly new, if you can catch it in a CLEAN basin, I don't see any harm in reusing it as long as you pour it back in filtered (through cheese cloth, an old bed sheet, etc).

Quadcammer 01-05-2017 04:01 AM

I've used VW G12 coolant. Seems not to be an issue.

Even if you filter the coolant, you can get some dissolved oils and such from the gunk on the bottom of the car that you probably wouldn't want to use.

I get saving money, but a gallon of VW coolant is like $25. If thats a problem for you, it may not be the right car.

Gelbster 01-05-2017 08:23 AM

Do you want to pay for coolant or just fund the "Porsche: TM licensing scheme ?
Pedro has a good comparison of the various coolant brands.

jeeper31 01-07-2017 04:38 PM

If I don't drain the coolant from the plug and just remove the hoses from the water pump and the thermostat, how much coolant will I lose?

BoxsterSteve 01-07-2017 05:41 PM

I should all come out, just a lot slower, as it will take much more time for air to get into the lines and passageways in the engine.
I opened the block drain and disconnected the hoses when I changed my water pump. I then raised the front of the car to better evacuate the radiators and front piping.
I got out 19 on the 20ish litres in the ccoling system this way.

dghii 01-07-2017 06:12 PM

How about a 'Go fund me Page' titled "
I need a $100 to service my Porsche"

Break open the wallet! It'll only hurt a little....

Pdwight 01-07-2017 06:16 PM

If you do not know the coolant
I plan on doing a water pump job in the spring, my coolant is the same as came with the car just over 3 years ago....it is gold to slightly green color. According to Pedro's article any OAT type coolant will do just fine...my question is how do you get it all out ???

jeeper31 01-07-2017 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by dghii (Post 521944)
How about a 'Go fund me Page' titled "
I need a $100 to service my Porsche"

Break open the wallet! It'll only hurt a little....

Lol. I don't mind spending the money. When I picked up the coolant fro lm the dealer the parts guy asked the service guy how much I would need. He said only 1 gal Of coolant and 1 gal Of water. He only sold me 1 gal Of coolant.

JayG 01-07-2017 06:28 PM

You need 3 gallons of each IIRC

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