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juiced99ws6 04-07-2015 03:30 PM

Reasons why owning a Porsche Boxster is a horrible experience.
After 10k miles of driving in the last 9 months it has cost me entirely too much to maintain. I am in it 80$ for an oil change, 25$ for a filter, and I even had to top off the power steering fluid.

Despite being a 30 year old man its nimble handling and quick acceleration has me driving like a 16 year old who just got his license

Another down side to the handling and acceleration is that it wears down my tires and brakes too quickly. Most horrible thing EVER!

Its small size has made parking in crowded parking lots way too easy, I really enjoyed the challenge of my pickup truck and squeezing out my door that I could only crack open.

Another thing about its small size is it doesn’t take long enough to clean, I really enjoy spending at least an hour hand washing my car and I just can’t seem to stretch it out that long.

It’s only a two seat sports car and it has not ONE but TWO trunks?? Who the heck needs all that storage!? Seems like such a waste, I would rather have something less practical.

I get confused because I get about 300 miles to a tank and it doesn’t cost much to fill up. I thought sports cars were supposed to guzzle gas?

On Porsche forums I have to read constantly about the IMS bearing and it scares the crap out of me until I realize my car has 0 shavings in the oil and it only happens to roughly 5% of vehicles.

When in random parking lots I have strangers come compliment it and ask me about it, I am way to introverted to allow a vehicle like this in my life.

People also tend to think I spent a whole lot more on my car than I did, It’s a horrible feeling that people assume I own a very high dollar car that I have less than 20k$ into.

My Mr2 used to blast me in the face with wind from every direction going down the interstate but the Boxster just keeps a little wind on the top of my head, I miss looking like a bobble head with the top down.

tommy583 04-07-2015 03:40 PM

Awesome post man :cheers:

KRAM36 04-07-2015 06:14 PM

Yeah, owning a 986 Boxster is not for everyone. :D

litespeedp 04-07-2015 06:17 PM

L completely Out Loud.These mid engined marvels are too good!

bobbeck 04-07-2015 06:24 PM

Some guy at a bus stop I pass sometimes will always yell "Porsche 911 dude" at me. I'm not sure what I dislike more, the attention or that he doesn't know his Porsche product.

juiced99ws6 04-07-2015 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by bobbeck (Post 444000)
Some guy at a bus stop I pass sometimes will always yell "Porsche 911 dude" at me. I'm not sure what I dislike more, the attention or that he doesn't know his Porsche product.

The latter is horrible.

KRAM36 04-07-2015 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by bobbeck (Post 444000)
Some guy at a bus stop I pass sometimes will always yell "Porsche 911 dude" at me. I'm not sure what I dislike more, the attention or that he doesn't know his Porsche product.

Pulled up next to a school bus at a stop sign and I here a kid yell "Look a Lambo!" http://forums.evga.com/upfiles/smiley/lol.gif

paulofto 04-07-2015 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by juiced99ws6 (Post 443983)
After 10k miles of driving in the last 9 months it has cost me entirely too much to maintain. I am in it 80$ for an oil change, 25$ for a filter, and I even had to top off the power steering fluid.

Despite being a 30 year old man its nimble handling and quick acceleration has me driving like a 16 year old who just got his license

Another down side to the handling and acceleration is that it wears down my tires and brakes too quickly. Most horrible thing EVER!

Its small size has made parking in crowded parking lots way too easy, I really enjoyed the challenge of my pickup truck and squeezing out my door that I could only crack open.

Another thing about its small size is it doesn’t take long enough to clean, I really enjoy spending at least an hour hand washing my car and I just can’t seem to stretch it out that long.

It’s only a two seat sports car and it has not ONE but TWO trunks?? Who the heck needs all that storage!? Seems like such a waste, I would rather have something less practical.

I get confused because I get about 300 miles to a tank and it doesn’t cost much to fill up. I thought sports cars were supposed to guzzle gas?

On Porsche forums I have to read constantly about the IMS bearing and it scares the crap out of me until I realize my car has 0 shavings in the oil and it only happens to roughly 5% of vehicles.

When in random parking lots I have strangers come compliment it and ask me about it, I am way to introverted to allow a vehicle like this in my life.

People also tend to think I spent a whole lot more on my car than I did, It’s a horrible feeling that people assume I own a very high dollar car that I have less than 20k$ into.

My Mr2 used to blast me in the face with wind from every direction going down the interstate but the Boxster just keeps a little wind on the top of my head, I miss looking like a bobble head with the top down.

Yeah I hate mine too. I hate it so much I took it out of lay up and insured it on the very first nice day we had up here after winter. I hate it so much I had to force myself to smile and now I have a permagrin.

Damn Boxster.

Fintro11 04-07-2015 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by bobbeck (Post 444000)
Some guy at a bus stop I pass sometimes will always yell "Porsche 911 dude" at me. I'm not sure what I dislike more, the attention or that he doesn't know his Porsche product.

or is he telling you to get a 911 instead of a girly boxster ;)

dbear61 04-07-2015 08:26 PM

Sarcasm, thy name is juiced99ws6.

You neglected to mention how horrendously all previous owners treat it, leaving you with a rusted-out Pinto/Vega/Gremlin/Dart bucket of oxidized waste on bias ply bald tires with which to live.


Retroman1969 04-08-2015 02:12 AM

I'm a masochist so I bought 2. I have less than $20,000 in both, drive one of them 3,000 miles a month, and annoyingly they've been among the most reliable cars I've ever had. Completely ruins the sports car ownership experience. I'm also anti-social so all the thumbs up, compliments and questions really bum me out.
I don't know how you people stand it.

kk2002s 04-08-2015 02:35 AM

Oh the pain, the pain after I drive
My check muscles (Face) are killing me
This thing is a drug. The moment my drive is over I need another fix
And of course we all know that to much driving will kill it - But we still go back for more
I've even started robbing my bank account to keep it going

I think I need an intervention

Luv2Box 04-08-2015 04:29 AM

Yeah, and the freakin' top disappears too. Can you imagine?

Duezzer 04-08-2015 05:29 AM

It is so ruff being the owner of a car like the Boxster,

The amnesia it causes is really starting to bother me I think.

I really love my job but as soon as i hop in it at the end of the day I completely forget about all the joy I had all day working.

RedTele58 04-08-2015 05:36 AM

I really hate that everytime I park and walk away from my Boxster I have to turn back and look at it - it's starting to hurt my neck.

And sometimes I waste a whole Saturday morning at my shop just hanging out piddling around and making lists of things I want to do to the cars.

And then there's all those hours I spend on eBay, Craigslist and the Boxster forums looking for little pieces and parts options, wheels, etc.

And the worst is, when I have to take a whole weekend and take the car to the track. I can't even get my yard mowed! :mad:

Maybe it's time for a new hobby? NOT! :D

jb92563 04-08-2015 06:21 AM

Its annoying how after doing flooring and getting a sore back, taking a drive in the Boxster with heated seats fixes that right up and puts a big grin on my face. Or perhaps the drive made me forget my pains?

I was hoping to drag the sore back thing out for a bit and keep a frown on my face so I don't have to do more chores for a bit.

BruceH 04-08-2015 06:26 AM

All of these comments apply to me as well:D It does take me longer than an hour to wash it so I have to disagree with that comment;) Time flies when you are having fun though:cheers:

juiced99ws6 04-08-2015 08:01 AM

The community obviously sucks as well. You make a sarcastic post and everyone just joins right in with some great comments to keep it going.

Nine8Six 04-08-2015 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by juiced99ws6 (Post 444057)
The community obviously sucks as well. You make a sarcastic post and everyone just joins right in with some great comments to keep it going.

I think most have sense that you weren't too impressed with the 986 and perhaps detected you needed a quick cheer up! Why else would you post that anyway. That's all what all those replies have as a purpose. To cheer you up bud - nothing else


drew44 04-08-2015 09:54 AM

Juiced...you my friend just made me sit here and read your post with a HUGE grin on my face!!! Then reading some of the responses made me actually laugh!! This is one of the reasons I LOVE reading this forum..keep up the good work everyone and thanks for making my day!!

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