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Nine8Six 04-24-2014 01:12 AM

You guys are very ambitious

Nine8Six 04-24-2014 01:16 AM

I'd say this is done with a semi-soft sanding block (manual), starting slow with #100 up to #whatever. Gradually getting good at curving your block to meet that final organic curve is what you want. No quick way unless you are on your 1000 pcs run (manufacturer).

Put anything electric in there and you'll possibly need a new eye as much as some not-so-cheap headlights.

My 2cents

particlewave 04-24-2014 03:03 PM


BruceH 04-24-2014 05:53 PM

What the heck did I miss?

particlewave 04-24-2014 06:46 PM

Some of those guys on the 996 forum are quite uppity and full of themselves. Can you believe that one actually PMed me to tell me how stupid this was and how my mods in general are "ghetto"?
A well established member, too :(

I tried not to take it personal but it kinda bummed me out, so I'm going to take some time off to think things over...

BIGJake111 04-24-2014 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by particlewave (Post 397483)
Some of those guys on the 996 forum are quite uppity and full of themselves. Can you believe that one actually PMed me to tell me how stupid this was and how my mods in general are "ghetto"?
A well established member, too :(

I tried not to take it personal but it kinda bummed me out, so I'm going to take some time off to think things over...

At times i disagree with what others do with their cars but that is just it... it is THEIR car. As for your mods though i do really like them, sorry to hear about that.

healthservices 04-24-2014 07:27 PM

Sorry you feel that way. :(

I guess it is part of being on a forum. There are always people who think they are above everyone else and have to voice it. Unfortunately these people tend to also be the people who are the established members. It is what it is. you either grow thicker skin and let it run off, not participate, or succumb to the way they want you to act.

Look at JD, I'm sure he gets more than his share of the abuse. Sure some people think he asks for it, but to me he stands proud of what he says and does on this forum. So should you. You put in your part and there are plenty of people here who appreciate what you do for the forum.

Ckrikos 04-24-2014 08:08 PM

I would have loved to see it. Based on your analysis it appears that it's feasible. Please post. Just think about the abuse and criticism JR got and he created and has given the 9x6 community a wealth of information and help on these motors.

Perfectlap 04-24-2014 08:26 PM

Aww C'mon!! Show it to us dang it!!! You've cracked the code and some douche is getting you down l? Who the fark is he? The curator of the Porsche museum of fine and exquisite tastes?

If experience has taught me anything is that those guys spend more time judging each other than any other car I can think of. This 911 isnt as cool as that one. Ours are the last real 911's. Bla bla bla. Then they get into endless fights within their own tribe. It's like a daily soap opera. At least the track/GT3 guys lay down an ocasional bet or track day challenge to back up their keyboard war mongering.

nieuwhzn 04-24-2014 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by particlewave (Post 397483)
Some of those guys on the 996 forum are quite uppity and full of themselves. Can you believe that one actually PMed me to tell me how stupid this was and how my mods in general are "ghetto"?
A well established member, too :(

I tried not to take it personal but it kinda bummed me out, so I'm going to take some time off to think things over...

Ah, just ignore.
You're having fun. You're doing a great job and providing a great service. Your 'customers' are happy, so sc&$# these self righteous buggers out there.
Keep up the good work!

BruceH 04-24-2014 08:43 PM

Charles, you have done some excellent work on here, not everyone figured life out back in Kindergarten, that is, if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything! It's too bad some feel that their opinion is the only one that counts. By the way, "mods" are really nothing but after manufacture options. Not everything Porsche comes up with is agreeable to everyone either. When I see a car driving down the street with some crazy wheels, exhaust, what have you, I may not like what they did, but I always remember that some guy came up with an idea, saved some cash, put in some labor, stood back and said "damn, that is cool!" Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.:cheers:

Nine8Six 04-25-2014 12:29 AM

Might be the same member who recently PM me his longgggg vision RE the bad/wrong effects "Flipping Cars" had on today's societies. A "Car Story" lol.

Charles, remember "MadMods" ?!

A member here went as far as registering (read buying) a dot com, put up a live webpage with links to each and single of Madmods posts/threads and commented on almost each and every single one of them - generously only highlighting the ridicules of them (still up today, but most posts have been trashed). Doesn't stop there.... he registered a dummy account here, flooded MadMods' PM inbox, found out where he was working and happily sent death threat to his employer enquiry inbox. All that just for ONE thread about "a poor man's porsche".

You just never know theses days. Just shacking off a headlight a little too much on the left side can wake up some of the weirdest dude. If it is that same MadMods magnet guy then I think you are in big (BIG) trouble lollllllll

Nine8Six 04-25-2014 12:36 AM

Still subscribed.

I want to see that amber thing disappearing. Get that #100 out NOW

heliguy 04-25-2014 05:07 AM

Still here

steved0x 04-25-2014 05:30 AM


Originally Posted by particlewave (Post 397483)
Some of those guys on the 996 forum are quite uppity and full of themselves. Can you believe that one actually PMed me to tell me how stupid this was and how my mods in general are "ghetto"?
A well established member, too :(

I tried not to take it personal but it kinda bummed me out, so I'm going to take some time off to think things over...

I'm sending a public non-pm to say don't think too long and keep sanding, I have a pair of beat up burned inner lenses victim of the "bad" hid conversion with super gunky seals ambers I will donate to the cause.

Keep sanding!! And retrofitting!


Mark_T 04-25-2014 06:30 AM


Originally Posted by Nine8Six (Post 397532)
Might be the same member who recently PM me his longgggg vision RE the bad/wrong effects "Flipping Cars" had on today's societies. A "Car Story" lol.

That car flipping thread got a little crazy, but I can't believe someone actually felt the need to send you a lengthy pm on the topic, especially since it was being debated so vehemently in the open forum. I mean, what could anyone add to what had already been said? Well, I hope you feel properly admonished and have now seen the error of your ways! :D (I still think it has a funny side to it, and I don't care who thinks less of me for that!)

6 more weeks until Montreal - woohoo!

N0tt0N 04-25-2014 01:58 PM

Particlewave! Its not like you're pasting eyelashes on them, right?


Life's to short to listen to wankers... Keep up the good work!

particlewave 04-25-2014 02:48 PM

Hahaha! Thanks for the encouragement guys.

I'm not all tore up about it, just was a little taken aback. I do need a vaca, though.

I'll give this another shot soon and post results. The problem is that power tools burn, melt, and warp the plastic and can also quickly make a hole.
Hand sanding would take days, so...

particlewave 05-30-2014 04:53 PM

Pics added back to post #1 for those who follow my insanity! :eek: :eek: :eek:

Top_Ramen 05-30-2014 06:21 PM

Finally! I was hoping you'd bring this back up. Aside from taking a dremel to the orange part of the lens, do you think it's possible to sand away at it?

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