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Old 10-06-2015, 08:30 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by mack73 View Post
Not an adjuster, but worked for an insurance company for years.

Maybe I'm missing it, and I don't want to down play the emotions involved, but what is the point you are trying to make with the insurance company?

Yes they will question the events, but ultimately they will only have the statements of your children, any witnesses and the police report to make a ruling - but ultimately it won't really effect anything if the story is true. I mean she could have been texting while driving and drifted off the road right? (This is what the insurance company wants to find out)

Everything will be ok. Just answer their questions and provide the statements. Since there was no contact with the other party, she will be at fault (unless the officer cited something else on the report). It will be a comprehensive claim, you will need to pay the deductible. Typically your rates won't increase (but really depends on your insurance company) unless you/she switches insurance companies within 3 years (or if you get a laps in coverage)
Thanks Mac, my point was that the person I was speaking to on the phone was already casting judgement and they didn't have all the information gathered. It's premature to do that. And no, my daughter doesn't text while driving, she doesn't even touch her phone. She can't talk on the phone while driving. It's illegal in the State of Colorado and we made that very clear when she started driving that we would have her license revoke if we ever caught her messing with her phone. My son helps watch for deer when my daughter is driving, as well as other potential dangers on the road, especially at like when this occurred. Texting and phone calls can be easily verified to coordinate with the timing on driving and accidents. My kids did not come up with some lame ass story to cover anything. They are almost too honest for their own good. They get in trouble from their Mom by being too honest and speaking with candor. They stand up for what is right and honest. I grow weary of people who assume the worst, who assume that me or my kids would do the "****************e" that others do.

Anyway, that's my point, a friggin' coward didn't flip on his turn signal and didn't look in his mirrors and started turning towards my daughter's car. She over corrected to avoid a collision. The coward got away. I'm dealing with insurance and replacing a car. Thank GOD my kids weren't injured. I'm very angry about the coward that left the scene of the accident without even stopping to see if my kids needed emergency medical attention. That chaffs my hide. It chaffs my hide that in 5 miles it took me to drive to the scene to get to my kids, I passed over a dozen cars headed past me in the other direction. I get there and 1 car stopped to see if they were okay. On a small country road with a lot of rural residence. I'm disappointed in all of these "neighbors" who don't give a ****************e about anyone but themselves. I am thankful for the elderly old lady (must have been 80 years old) who did stop to make sure my kids were okay.

I'm disturbed by a 50 year old man released from jail last week who broke into a woman's house to eat some food because he was hungry...she arrived at her home and he made her get down on her knees and shot her in the back of the head. This all in my small town.

It's a bunch of sick arse lawlessness and selfishness.

Anyway, I'm annoyed when me or my family's honesty is questioned.
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